Short Exercise Plans To Get You Fit

Got five minutes?

Even if you can't block off the time for that 90 minute yoga class or three mile run, there's still no reason you can't rev up your metabolism and benefit from many of the healthful aspects of a workout. In fact, some research has suggested that a short blast of intense exercise can boost metabolism for the entire day more effectively than a workout that's slow and steady.

And if you can squeeze in a few five minute sessions scattered throughout the day, even better: research suggests that several small, intense moments of exercise over the course of a day actually improve blood pressure more dramatically than one longer workout.

But not all five minute exercises are created equal, so we asked two resident fitness experts to come up with their best plans. Here are two takes -- a bodyweight conditioning circuit and a yoga program.

Ben Greenfield, Fitness and Triathlon expert, Get-Fit Guy podcast host:

"Let's face it -- if you have a very short period of time to exercise, you're unlikely to have access to fancy gym equipment or fitness devices. So for brief workouts, you're best served by your own body weight."

Try this circuit:

25 jumping jacks20 crunches15 slow, controlled squats10 slow, controlled pushups10 burpees (squat-thrust-jumps)

Kristin McGee, Celebrity Yoga and Pilates Instructor:

"I believe something is always better than nothing! You can get your heart rate up, sculpt some muscle and even stretch out your entire body in five minutes with five rounds of Sun Salutations."

Jeff Halevy, Owner of Halevy Life:

"An interval workout that combines burpees and reverse plank: it targets muscular strength, power, stability and endurance in the entire body and includes 'cardio' as well. This can be done by doing the burpees for 15-20 seconds and holding the reverse plank for 25-40 seconds for a combined five to nine rounds."

Have you ever tried a five-minute workout? What did you think? Tell us in the comments!

Fitness Tips for Men

Many people wrongly assume that fitness has something to do with stick thin bodies. The truth is that, it has nothing to do with the size of your body. You can be heavy and still be fit at the same time. So what is fitness? It is essentially a sound and healthy state of body as well as mind. Health has become an issue of concern these days, owing to our unhealthy lifestyle. Disorders such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes etc., are becoming graver by the day. The only way to cope with these disorders is by following a regular fitness regimen. Being fit does not necessarily mean expensive gym memberships and working out on hi-fi equipments. It essentially means adopting a healthy lifestyle to enhance your mental and physical endurance.

Health and Fitness Tips

Understand Your Body

Before you rush to enroll for any weight loss programs or sign up for a gym membership, it is very important to understand your body and mind thoroughly. If you are a healthy person with an average build, then you don't need extensive work out programs. You can simply jog in the morning or perform yoga to maintain your health. A few stretch exercises coupled with a a 15 min walk on treadmill is good exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, if you suffer from any health issues, then it would be apt for you to get advice from a professional regarding your workout routine.

Identify Your Purpose

Most people who wish to follow a workout routine, do so only to enhance their physical appearance. They are mostly obese people who want to shed those extra pounds as early as possible. On the other hand, there are young people who wish to achieve physiques similar to their favorite movie stars. Bulging biceps, thick neck, and six pack abs are the only things they look for. Whatever your purpose may be, follow a regimen and work towards fulfilling it. You may get tips from a gym instructor who may also chalk out a workout program exclusively for you, after assessing your body.


Nutrition is the most important factor when you think about fitness. Eating healthy food is of utmost importance if you wish to attain mental and physical fitness. This includes eating foods less in carbs and rich in protein and fiber. You should make it a habit to have a large and healthy breakfast in the morning. Not only will it suffice your energy requirement for the day, but will also reduce your urge to snack on unhealthy foods. Eating small portions of meal at a time is a great idea to keep fit and get rid of that lethargic feeling. Also, it is essential to bid goodbye to over processed foods that are stuffed with calories.


Right attitude and healthy lifestyle play a vital role in your fitness. If you start your day with a positive attitude and lot of self motivation, you are likely to remain healthy throughout the day. Learning how to de-stress yourself and keeping your cool in critical situations can go a long way in lengthening your life. Also, refraining from addictions such as alcohol, smoking etc., can have positive impact on your life. Lastly, spend time with your family and learn to laugh at small things in life. This is an ultimate key to healthy living.

Is Aerobic Exercise the Antidote to Alzheimers? | Jill S. Brown

It's almost impossible to turn the exercise-averse or fitness-phobic couch potato into a workout-aholic. Believe me I've tried. No amount of touting the benefits of regular exercise, from looking and feeling better, to reducing risk factors of diabetes and cardiovascular disease has made a permanent difference in the behavior of people who just don't like to break a sweat. Maybe because there's plenty of drugs or common surgical procedures like angioplasty and bypasses to manage these diseases that these people may think, "I'll just cross that bridge when I come it." (Mom, are you reading this?)

Fitness Videos

Well, there is one disease that scares the be-jeezus out of most everyone who's ever seen it up close and there is no drug or surgery that really works on it yet. No, I don't mean the "c-word," although exercise has shown benefits in that area too. I'm referring to dementia and the big "A," Alzheimer's disease. Sofa slugs, pay attention here: Aerobic exercise is panning out to be the best antidote we have to neurocognitive decline.

Fitness Plan

Deep in the center of our brains lies the hippocampus. It's the part of our brain that is essential to memory and learning. As we age, the hippocampus shrinks and the older we get, the faster it shrinks to the tune of 1 percent to 2 percent a year, contributing to memory loss and risk of dementia or Alzheimer's.

Arthur Kramer, the director of the Beckman Institute and a professor of neuroscience at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana authored a new study published in the January 31, 2011 issue of the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences which theoretically finds that "aerobic exercise training is effective at reversing hippocampal volume loss in late adulthood, which is accompanied by improved memory function."

The study was comprised of 120 Americans in their late 50s to early 80s. Researchers randomly assigned half to an exercise group walking three times a week for 40 min. aiming for their target heart rate. The other half was assigned to a stretching group doing yoga and toning type exercises and they also served as the control group. Both groups were given MRI scans to test for changes in the hippocampus. The test results showed the hippocampus increased by 2 percent in the aerobic walkers after a year but shrank by 1.4 percent in the control group.

Giving a whole new meaning to the term, "gym rat," Kramer said in a recent interview on NPR's Science Friday, "the research we've done with humans is based upon a number of years, over a decade's work of research with animals, mostly rodents. And we know from the animal research that if you give an animal access to running wheel, and it uses it, that there are a number of changes in the brain, and the area that's been examined, probably most intensely, is the hippocampus."

This study isn't Kramer's first foray into trying to prove that physical fitness fosters brain power. In 2003, Kramer co-authored a report titled, "Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults: A Meta-Analytic study." (Psychological Science March 1, 2003 vol. 14 no. 2 125-130) I've also previously blogged about this topic on HuffPost "Anti Aging for Your Brain."

It's tough getting non-exercisers motivated. I hope this expanding arsenal of research will get more people to realize regular exercise is not just good for an expanding waistline.

Feel free to share your thoughts!

Research and Markets: Obesity: Behavioral, Medical and Surgical Management 2012

Research and Markets (

has announced the addition of the "Obesity:

Behavioral, Medical and Surgical Management 2012" report to

their offering.

Effective overweight and obesity treatment requires a triad of

behavioral, nutritional and physical activity modifications. A basic

program is clearly presented that includes information for

self-management of weight reduction, plus when needed, the

prerequisites for drug or surgical management.

This 205 page manual is primarily written for use by healthcare

professionals. Extensive references and resources.

Key Topics Covered:

Obesity quips and quotes; Quotable Quotes

Introduction and Definitions

Body Mass Index or BMI



Childhood and adolescent obesity

Causes/Etiologies/Risk Factors - Obesity


Resting Metabolic Rate

Genetic factors

Energy Intake

Numbers of fat cells

Decreased activity or reduced energy expenditure

Prescription Drugs

Stress, Head Trauma, Hypothalamic abnormalities

Viral infections

Endocrine diseases and abnormalities

Gastric volume and satiety

Medical intervention (or lack thereof)

Fat distribution characteristics of overweight and obesity

Complications of obesity - Health risks


Metabolic Syndrome or Insulin Resistance Syndrome

Cardiovascular Disease


Increased intra-abdominal pressure

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Adiposis dolorosa

Eye disease


Erectile dysfunction (ED)

Pregnancy complications

Psychosocial complications of obesity


Mortality risk of obesity in the elderly

Weight loss and weight cycling' risks



What is appropriate treatment for overweight and obesity?

Who should be excluded from a restricted calorie weight loss program?

Who should be targeted for weight management?

Nutrition and diet

Time to self manage obesity care needs

Fat in the healthy diet

Carbohydrates a culprit?

Body Fitness

Protein content of the healthy diet

Diet plans or prescriptions


How many calories?

Low calorie diet

Very low calorie diet

Physiology of undernutrition and starvation

High complex carbohydrate vis a vis high fat diets

Prevention of diabetes

Glycemic Index

Alcohol and diabetes

Family nutritional counseling;

Weight loss using Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM)

including green tea

Nutrition Notes

Activity Levels and Exercise Programs

Move it and Lose it

High-intensity intervals

Aerobic exercise training heart rates by age

Exercise and diabetes


Behavioral aspects of overweight and obesity

What others have said


Aerobic exercise training


Stimulus control

Cue avoidance

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Rehearsal

Cognitive Restructuring

Stress Management

Problem Solving Therapy

Group Therapy

Group Teletherapy

Internet technology for behavioral weight loss programs

Psychological Evaluation for Bariatric Surgery


Drug Therapy

Weight loss drugs commonly used in the U.S.

Safety and efficacy note

Off-label drug

Binge eating disorder (BED)

Drug Therapy Notes

Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric surgery - clinical guideline

Medicare/BCBS Coverage Statements

Selection for surgery based on comorbid diabetes and hypertension in

addition to BMI



BMI Table

Height Weight Table

Recommended average daily energy allowances for children and adults

Calculating Daily Caloric Requirements/Resting Energy Expenditure

Desired Weight - Matching Calorie Maintenance Chart

Duration of various activities to expend 150 kcalories

Burning Calories or Just Do It!'

Anthropometric Measurement Protocols

12-minute Fitness Test, by age and sex

Preventive Physical Activity Regimens

Resistance Training

Recommendations for adult weight loss - a summary

Calories do count

Practical dietary therapy recommendations

Calcium requirements

Iron -rich foods

Caloric Content of Alcoholic Beverages

Notes for Healthier Eating Habits

Low calorie shopping list

Fat content of vegetable oils

Fast Foods - Nutritional Content for National Restaurant Menus

- Sandwiches and Entrees

- Salads

- Breakfast Items

Quick Fitness Tips

- Milk, Milk Shakes, Hot Chocolate

- Potato and other vegetable dishes

- Desserts

Fiber Content of Foods

Exchange Diets for varying caloric intakes

Soy Protein Content of Soy Products

Vitamins and Micronutrients

Healthy diet linked to good cognitive performance

Nutritional Components of Sea Foods

Addendum Notes

References and resources

For more information visit

Short, Intense Workout To Get Fit

If you've got 10 minutes, you've got a workout.

That's the consensus among exercise researchers, who are finding full benefits from abridged workout circuits.

In fact, some research has suggested that a short blast of intense exercise can boost metabolism for the entire day more effectively than a workout that's slow and steady. And other doctors stress that a regular exercise practice, even if it's just 10 minutes, can have a lasting impact on heart health and mental acuity, NPR reports.

But not all 10-minute routines are created equal, so we asked some of our go-to fitness experts to create short programs just for you. Here are a few different takes -- from a bodyweight conditioning circuit to a yoga program.

Ben Greenfield, Fitness and Triathlon expert, Get-Fit Guy podcast host:

Complete the following three times through:

50 jumping jacks15 body weight squats15 push-ups or knee push-ups15 reverse lunges per side15 dips (using chair, bench or other elevated surface)

Kristin McGee, Celebrity Yoga and Pilates Instructor:

Do 10 sun salutations, 5 Surya Namaskara A and five Surya Namaskara B.

Joe Dowdell, CSCS, Founder CEO of Peak Performance gym:

Do the following circuit three times (and see below for a photo guide):

10-12 DB Goblet SquatsAMRAP ("As Many Reps As Possible") Push Ups10-12 Romanian DB Deadlifts10-12 Chin Ups (band assisted if necessary)10-12 Standing DB Push Press30 second Prone Plank


Goblet Squat--Dumbbell

Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it in front of your chest.

Hold the dumbbell vertically with both hands under the top plate of the dumbbell. Your elbows should be pointing to the ground as you hold the weight.

Before starting the motion, stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Tighten your back to make sure the weight stays close to your body.

Begin the motion by moving your hips back and down. Continue to descend into a full squat position, with your weight on the back of your feet. Let the weight counter balance the shift of your weight back.

Get as deep into the squat position as you can while keeping your back flat and chest up.

Best Fitness Tips

Fitness Motivation Tips

Reverse the motion by driving through your feet and extending both your knees and your hips.

Reset at the top of the motion and repeat for given reps, maintaining good form the entire time.

Push Up

Get into a push up position with your body straight and arms extended. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart. Your feet should be about hip width apart and on your toes. Make sure your head is down, with your eyes pointed to the ground.

Drop your entire body down towards the floor, as one unit, by bending at the elbows and opening up your chest. Once your body is a few inches off the ground, drive through your hands, keeping your body flat, until your arms are extended.

Repeat for given reps.

Romanian Deadlift--Dumbbells

Start by standing tall with your feet about hip width apart, chest up, and shoulders down. There should be a slight bend in your knees. Hold a pair of dumbbells on the front of your thighs with your palms facing your body.

Initiate the movement by moving your hips back. Keep the slight bend in your knees the entire time. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings as you reach the bottom of the movement.

As your hips move back the dumbbells should stay close to the front of your legs. Once you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings, reverse the motion by contracting your glutes and hamstrings. Extend your hips and stand up, returning to the starting position.

Your back should be flat, chest up, and shoulders down the entire time.

Reset at the starting position and repeat for given reps.

Chin Up--Neutral Grip

Grab a chin up bar with a neutral grip, palms facing each other. Use the parallel bars on a pull up bar. Let your body hang, arms straight, and cross your legs behind you.

Start the movement by drawing your shoulders blades together and continue by leaning back and pulling your chest to the bar, using your back. Keep your shoulders down and your neck relaxed the entire time.

Return to the starting position by slowly lowering your chest away from the bar until your arms are fully extended.

Pause and repeat.

Shoulder Press--Dumbbell--Standing--Push Press--Neutral Grip

Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip width. Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder level with your palms facing each other.

Initiate the movement by slightly dipping your hips while keeping your chest up. Reverse the motion by explosively extending your hips and simultaneously pressing the dumbbells overhead. Use the power from your lower body to help get the weight up.

Finish the movement by locking out your arms, stabilizing the weight, and standing up straight.

Lower the weight under control to your shoudlers.

Pause and repeat for given reps.


Lie face down on mat, resting on the forearms, elbows, and palms flat on the floor.

Push off the floor by contracting your core muscle, rising up onto your toes, and resting on your elbows, which should be directly under your shoulders.

Keep your back flat, and try to form a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position for as long as you can with proper form. When your form fails, rest.

Use as many reps as necessary to achieve the total time for the work set.

Fitness tips for busy moms

W orking mothers have a lot on their plates. In addition to the responsibilities that come with raising a family, working moms also must focus on their careers.

Many mothers find that managing such hectic balancing acts leaves little time for physical fitness. But there are ways for working moms to stay physically fit even as they juggle their commitments to career and family.

Work out in the early morning. Working out in the early morning, when the kids are still asleep and the office has yet to open, is a great way for busy working mothers to get their daily exercise. Designate a room in your home where you can spend time each morning doing some light strength training before hitting the treadmill or elliptical machine. The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week, and women who get up just 45 minutes earlier each morning can meet those requirements and then some. An added benefit to working out in the early morning is that many people who follow such regimens insist they have more energy throughout the rest of the day.

Exercise with the kids. Working mothers looking to find time for exercise can turn part of family time into a time to exercise with their children. Play in the yard with youngsters while dinner is cooking or go for nightly post-meal walks. Exercising with kids is a great way for mothers to get their daily exercise while also instilling a love of physical activity in their children.

Have a backup plan on hand. Working out at a gym can be motivational, as many mothers want to make sure their monthly membership fees aren't going to waste. But there will inevitably be days when working mothers can't get to the gym. Prepare for such days by purchasing home workout DVDs you can play while the kids are doing their homework or after they have gone to bed.

Look for gyms with childcare. Many gyms now offer on-site childcare to parents of young children who can't stay home alone while their folks are at the gym. Gyms that offer on-site childcare may prove more reliable and even less expensive than hiring a sitter, and some gyms even offer fitness programs to youngsters, helping to ensure kids get the daily exercise they need as well.

Exercise during lunch breaks. If possible, squeeze in your daily exercise during lunch breaks. Take advantage of on-site exercise facilities if your company offers them. If not, take your lunch outside and then go for a walk around the campus or a nearby park rather than eating at your desk.

Finding time to exercise is a common dilemma for working mothers. But there are some creative ways for moms to stay fit without affecting their commitments to work and family.

Trainers Share the Worst Fitness Advice They've Ever Heard | The Active Times

It's a familiar scenario for many: you're at the gym when you unintentionally overhear the two nice women on the treadmills next to you discussing the parameters of their exercise routines, or a trainer doling out a piece of fitness advice to their client.

Click Here to see the Complete List of The Worst Fitness Advice

You catch something they say and to yourself think one of two things: "Wait, is that really true?" or "I'm pretty sure that's definitely wrong."


Don't lift heavy weights, it will bulk you up.Unfortunately this is still a misconception that's sometimes communicated to women who fear building "too much" muscle as a result of training with heavy weights. "Women aren't built the same way that men are," says Minna Herskowitz, a NFPT certified personal trainer and owner of Sandbox Fitness. "Our bodies are different--we don't have as much testosterone as men." She explained that unless you use supplements and significantly increase your caloric intake, lifting weights won't cause you to gain excessive muscle mass. In fact, all women should consider adding some form of resistance training to their overall exercise routine, as it provides several important health benefits. Photo Credit: Shutterstock Click Here to See More Of The Worst Fitness Advice

If you want to lose weight, just do cardio."Cardio is an important factor in weight loss," says Ali. "However, lifting weights allows the body to burn more calories at rest and it has a longer after-burn affect." A truly effective weight loss plan will include both cardio and resistance training. Resistance training will help to increase your lean muscle mass. This can enhance weight loss efforts because muscle is "metabolically active" tissue, which in order to be maintained demands energy (read: calories) from your body over a longer period of time. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

No pain, no gain.Within fitness circles and gym culture, the "no pain, no gain" idea has become somewhat of a widely accepted motivational tool. But as Williams points out, it's actually just bad advice. "While exercising may result in temporary discomfort or a very uncomfortable feeling, it should not leave you with pain," he said. "Pain is a warning sign from your body that there is something wrong." Photo Credit: Shutterstock Click Here to See More Of The Worst Fitness Advice

'Confuse' your muscles by constantly switching up your routine."If you change too many exercises too often it's difficult to actually get better and adapt to any of them," says Rick Richey, a NASM certified trainer and Master Instructor and owner of Independent Training Spot. "If you want to get stronger, more muscular legs, doing hundreds of different leg exercises will not do you as much good as a well-designed, rehearsed, and repeated routine--they are called workout routines for a reason." He recommends making sure that you're not trying so hard to not be in a rut that you end up forgoing a smart path of progression. "Keep a routine consistent so as not to leave it before the results are recognized," Richey added. "Switch it up by using a well establish system of periodization." Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Don't drink water while working out.Bright shared a funny story about a client who had been convinced not to drink water while working out because she thought it would extinguish the "fire" that starts in your belly while exercising. "A woman I trained believed this to be a literal fire that water would quench, and she was certain that the fire was what 'stoked the metabolism.' I think it's pretty obvious why this is terrible advice, but for the record, fires do not begin in the stomach. Go ahead and hydrate during exercise." Click Here to See More Of The Worst Fitness Advice Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The point is, there's lots of questionable and flat-out false fitness advice floating all around -- in the gym, online, on TV, and in magazines.

"As a fitness professional with almost 20 years of experience, I've seen and heard a lot about fitness," says Maurice D. Williams, a NASM and NSCA certified trainer and the owner of Move Well Fitness. "In my days of training clients, watching people exercise, and exercising myself, there probably has not been a day that's gone by that I haven't heard something that made me cringe."

Yes, there are "fitness tips" so wrong that they can make a trainer cringe, so we decided to find out which are the worst offenders.

Williams calls this cringe-worthy advice "gym science," or untrue information that tends to float around in gym conversations.

"Typically speaking, they either have been proven wrong or are not proven at all," he said.

We asked a few trainers to share the worst advice they've ever heard. Straight from the gym floor, here's what they reported.

Click Here to see the Original Story on The Active Times

- Katie Rosenbrock, The Active Times

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What Is The Difference Between Endurance And Resistance Training When It Comes To Heart Health?

Workout Routines

Question: What is the difference between endurance training and resistance training when it comes to heart health?

Answer: Endurance training is what we refer to as aerobic exercise. It may involve bicycling, it may involve walking on a treadmill, it may involve swimming. In contrast, resistance training involves pumping iron, so to speak, as Governor Schwarzenegger would say. It involves pumping iron and improving muscle strength and muscle endurance.

Both types of exercises are highly beneficial for patients with coronary disease. We find that aerobic exercise improves functional capacity to a better extent. On the other hand, resistance training improves muscle strength. It improves muscle endurance. It also favorably modifies many risk factors for heart disease. And most significantly it increases lean body mass or maintains lean body mass, which can be very helpful in terms of a weight reduction program.

Lastly, resistance training as muscles increase, or the strength increases, heart rate and blood pressure when lifting or carrying any given object is reduced. And as a result, resistance training also has cardiovascular benefits.

Next: I Get Angina After Climbing A Flight Of Stairs. Is It Safe To Exercise By Myself?

Previous: How Long Should I Rest After A Heart Attack?

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Science sense list trashes celebrity health tips

Model Naomi Campbell attends the presentation of the Louis Vuitton luxury travelling case for the World Cup trophy in Paris in this June 1, 2010 file photo.

Reuters/Jacky Naegelen

LONDON (Reuters) - Science campaigners laid bare some of the most dubious celebrity-endorsed health tips on Wednesday, rubbishing ideas such as reabsorbing sperm and wearing silicone bracelets to boost energy.

In an annual list of what it sees as the year's worst abuses against science, the Sense About Science (SAS) campaign group debunked diet and exercise suggestions made by actors, pop stars and others in the public eye in an effort "to help the celebrities realize where they are going wrong and to help the public make sense of celebrity claims."

In the health and fitness section, SAS noted that soccer player David Beckham and Prince William's fiancee Kate Middleton have both been spotted wearing hologram-embedded silicone bracelets which makers claim can improve energy and fitness.

It also listed a diet reportedly used by supermodel Naomi Campbell and actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore in which followers survive on maple syrup, lemon and pepper alone for up to two weeks. Campbell told U.S. TV host Oprah Winfrey in an interview in May: "It's good to clean out your body once in a while."

But SAS said in a statement: "Many of these claims promote theories, therapies and campaigns that make no scientific sense."

Pop star Sarah Harding told Now magazine in April that she crumbles charcoal over her food, saying: "It's doesn't taste of anything and apparently absorbs all the bad damaging stuff in the body."

Dr John Elmsley, a chemical scientist and writer asked by SAS to comment on this idea, said charcoal is known to absorb toxic molecules when used in gas masks and sewage treatment, but is "unnecessary when it comes to diet become the body is already quite capable of removing any 'bad damaging stuff'."

One of the highlights for SAS was a tip from cage fighter Alex Reid, who told The Sun tabloid newspaper in April that he "reabsorbs" his sperm to prepare for a big fight.

"It's actually very good for a man to have unprotected sex as long as he doesn't ejaculate. Because I believe that all that semen has a lot of nutrition. A tablespoon of semen has your equivalent of steak, eggs, lemons and oranges. I am reabsorbing it into my body and it makes me go raaaaahh," he said.

John Aplin, a reproductive research scientist at the University of Manchester, said sperm cannot be reabsorbed once they have formed in the testes. "In fact sperm die after a few days, and the nutritional content of the ejaculate is really rather small," he said in a comment on the SAS list.

To try and counter the effects of some of the wildest health and fitness tips, SAS published its own "easy-to-remember pointers for celebrity commentators":-

* Nothing is chemical-free: everything is made of chemicals, it's just a case of which ones

Spring Fitness Tips

* Detox is a marketing myth: our body does it without pricey potions and detox diets

* There's no need to boost: bodily functions occur without boosting

* Energy and fitness come and exercise: there are no shortcuts.

(Editing by Paul Casciato)

For more weight loss, exercise less?

Story highlights

Exercise isn't enough to lead to weight loss, research has shown

A new Danish study shows that a half-hour of exercise may be the ideal

Researcher suggests those who intensely exercise may compensate by overeating

As with so many other things in life, exercise may work best if you follow the Goldilocks rule: exercise neither too little nor too much, if your goal is to shed extra weight, a new study finds.

Previous research has shown that exercise alone doesn't reliably lead to weight loss -- without accompanying restrictions in diet -- a dismaying fact that many hopeful weight-losers know firsthand.

But a recent Danish study suggests that physical activity can indeed help shrink your pants size, so long as you hit the sweet spot -- perhaps somewhere around a half-hour a day, at least for young men.

For the study, researchers at the University of Copenhagen recruited 61 sedentary and moderately overweight men, mostly in their 20s and early 30s, and randomly assigned them to one of three groups: a control group that remained sedentary with no changes to diet or activity; another group that took up a 30-minutes-a-day routine of moderate exercise like jogging or biking (each participant worked out for either half an hour or until he burned 300 calories); or a third group that exercised more vigorously, for an hour a day or until they burned 600 calories. Should you drink if you're training for a race?

Before launching into the 13-week exercise regimen, all the men underwent a baseline checkup to gauge their overall health and fitness: all were overweight but not obese, and they were metabolically healthy.

During the 13 weeks, the men were instructed not to make any purposeful changes to their eating habits; they also kept food diaries that the researchers checked later, and on certain days they wore motion sensors to track how much activity they were engaging in outside of their exercise routines.

By the end of the 13 weeks, the results were both expected and unexpected, the researchers reported.

Not surprisingly, the sedentary group saw no changes in their weight. The men in the high-intensity exercise group lost an average of 5 pounds, but while weight loss was expected, the researchers said these men lost about 20% less than they would have anticipated, given how many extra calories they were burning.

Even more surprising were the results from the moderate exercise group: these men lost an average of 7 pounds each, 83% more than what the researchers would have guessed based on calorie expenditure alone.

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So, what happened? It's not entirely clear from the study, but lead researcher Mads Rosenkilde had some theories, according to the New York Times.

First, the intense exercisers were probably compensating for their extra activity by eating more food. Although the added consumption noted in their food diaries wasn't enough to explain their smaller-than-expected weight loss, Rosenkilde thinks they were likely eating more food than they jotted down.

In addition, data from the motion sensors showed that the men who exercised the most were sedentary when they weren't working out; they spent most of their free time sitting, probably because they were tired, Rosenkilde said.

In contrast, the men who exercised for 30 minutes at at time became more active throughout the day, probably opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator, for instance, and moving more in general, Rosenkilde said. "It was little things, but they add up," Rosenkilde told the Times.

Overall, Rosenkilde concluded, people who exercise less may end up burning just enough calories to lose weight, but not enough to feel compelled to replace them, either by eating more or remaining sedentary otherwise. Those who exercise a lot, on the other hand, may feel more drained, which prompts them to compensate. 5 common mistakes you're making at the gym

The findings are intriguing, but it's hard to say how generalizable they are to groups other than young, healthy men. It's also not known how exercise may impact weight loss over the long term. The Times reports:

"The study also was short-term, and the results might shift over the course of, say, a year of continued exercise, Mr. Rosenkilde says. The men working out for 60 minutes were, after all, packing on some muscle, while the 30-minute exercisers were not.

"That extra muscle offset some of the vigorous exercisers' weight loss in the short term -- they sloughed off fat but added muscle, decreasing their net loss -- but over the longer term it could amp up their metabolism, aiding in weight control."

You can read more about the study, published in the American Journal of Physiology -- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, in the Times article here. Sports products may not enhance your workout

Fitness Plan

This story was originally published on

For more weight loss, exercise less?

7 Helpful Tips for People Who Are New to Fitness | Julian Hayes II


Photo Credit: via Compfight cc

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I was a young, naive, and baby faced college kid who was eagerly getting involved with fitness. Instead of focusing on Marketing 101, my focus was on passing fitness 101.

With an obsession toward chasing my dream body, I wasted years of potential experiences and missed out on valuable relationships.

Being a beginner to fitness can be overwhelming.

It's easy to find yourself traveling down a rabbit hole of endless information. Before you know it, your brain is fried and you haven't made it to the gym nor eaten your first healthy meal. But before you get sucked into the vortex of information overload, use these seven principles below to establish a rock solid fitness foundation.

1. The magic lies in your daily habits and behaviors

You might want to lose 15 pounds by the end of the year, but one swing of the bat won't knock all your weight out of the park. Often times, we take actions hoping for the grand slam. We want to take one action and magically have our problems vanish.

What you do on a daily basis predicts your outcome as opposed to what you do occasionally. Losing 15lbs might be the goal, but that won't become a reality unless you focus on executing the proper habits and behaviors on a daily basis.

Your future becomes your reality when you stay present with your actions.

2. Adopt an 80/20 principle mindset

The Pareto principle ("80/20 rule"), in the business world, states 20 percent of your customers represent 80 percent of your sales. Twenty percent of your time leads to 80 percent of your results.

With fitness, the "80/20 rule" is your best friend. Instead of trying to implement every tip you come across while turning your life upside down -- only select the tips that deliver the biggest bang for the buck.

Think about whats the 20 percent in fitness that will give you the 80 percent of your results. This 20 percent comprises the basics (sleep, good food choices, etc). The basics will stand the test of time. Your goal is to get the most value for your actions out of the least amount of effort put forth.

3. There are many different paths to healthy eating

At one point, I was stuffing my face daily with bland chicken breast while downing shots of olive oil like it was Tequila.

Did I enjoy this?

No, but I didn't know any better since I saw the pros and hardcore lifters doing this.

Just as there are many modes of transportation that can get you from point A to point B-- your nutrition operates in a similar fashion. There isn't a one size fits all nutrition template for everyone to follow. No matter the diet, they all start with the same fundamental philosophies of eating less processed foods and more nutrient dense based foods.

This general philosophy entails 90 percent of the equation. The remaining 10 percent is when all diets tend to unleash their weird rules and so forth. Focus on your 90 percent and let the 10 percent filter in however you deem appropriate. Obsess over your food choices (90 percent), not food timing (10 percent). Pleasing your palate and meshing with your lifestyle is the most important goal for any diet.

4. Sleep is your greatest ally

If the choice came down to either an extra workout or sleep--sleep takes the crown 100% of the time. Sleep is the silent dark horse that isn't given it's much deserved attention.

Lack of sleep has the ability to affect our hormones, moods, and hunger cravings -- all of which leads to weight gain.

Before you plan an extensive workout program, make sure to plan and commit to a sleep schedule. Results and progress happen when you focus on rest and recovery. Try cutting off electronics 90-120 minutes before bed, read a book (not a kindle), make your room as dark as possible, have sex or try meditating for as little as 10 minutes to help with your sleep.

5. Find a workout program that you enjoy and fits your specific goals

Your friends may love crossfit, circuit training, or power lifting, but if you find zero amounts of pleasure in those activities, then do something else. You're unlikely to stick with a regimen over the long haul if you absolutely dread taking part in it. Willpower is finite and eventually abandons you.

Fitness Training

At the beginning, experiment with various forms of working out until you find something of enjoyment and simultaneously beneficial to your goals.

6. It's OK (and even encouraged) to not strive for 100% complacency with your nutrition

It's one thing to say "no" to food temptations for the sake of staying committed, but it's another thing to never hangout with friends due to feeling guilty about messing up your diet. Committing to fitness doesn't mean becoming a prisoner of your own diet.

In the grand scheme of things, a slice of cake or a couple of glasses of wine won't ruin a large body of work consisting of daily healthy habits.

We're humans with a pulse, not robots who occasionally need some wd-40.

7. Your body doesn't determine your self-worth

I used to compare myself to magazine covers, athletes, and fitness models. I told myself I wasn't good enough until I was on their level.

When comparing ourselves, we only see what the other has that we want, not what they're missing. Our self-worth isn't tied to the size of our biceps, six-pack, dress size, toned legs, or whatever other external metric that exists.

A healthy look is valuable, but never hand your self-worth card over to anyone nor let any number determine your value.

Question for you: What's another helpful tip that someone new to fitness could use to get started down the right path? Comment below.

To learn more about Julian and how to build the body of your dreams while making your dent in the universe, visit''The Art of Fitness and Life'and receive your free toolkit to get started toward remarkability.

4 Weeks To A Flat Stomach !

Fitness Motivation Tips

Whenever you see yourself in a mirror, how do you feel? If you are like most people you probably feel a bit despondent. You aren't totally happy with your body and in fact, sometimes you actually despise the way you look. Perhaps you've tried dieting before and even exercise to change the way you look and even if you started noticing slight changes, eventually your body seems to return to its original shape. It seems that no matter what you try nothing seems to work.

The good news is there is an answer! There are some fundamental strategies that will work if you're willing to use them. Plus, these strategies are simple. They don't require an extraordinary amount of time or effort. All they require is a commitment to use them consistently.

In this article, we'll cover the most effective strategies to help you flatten your stomach, lose the 'spare tire' around your waist, and create a mid-section you can be proud of. You will be able to achieve all of this in as little as 4 weeks!

Right now, whilst you are reading this article, pinch the skin next to your navel. Take a horizontal fold of skin with your thumb and index finger. Look at it and estimate how thick the skinfold is. If it is more than 2 centimetres then it's time to start taking immediate action!

The first step is to start making changes to your eating and drinking habits. One of the biggest complaints I hear from personal trainers these days is that their clients' eating and drinking habits are the only things stopping them from getting the results they want.

The first area you should look at is your alcohol intake. Sure, we all know that a glass of red wine every night is good for our health. Notice they say a glass and not a bottle! However, if you want to lose your belly then you have to be willing to make some sacrifices, at least for the next 4 weeks anyway.

There's no need to cut out the alcohol altogether but you will need to cut it down substantially if you drink regularly. Perhaps allow yourself to have only 4 standard drinks a week. If you are a regular drinker then this one step will make a massive difference to the way you look. If you're not, then it won't make much difference at all.

Let's face it, alcohol is a poison to the body and whenever it is consumed the body metabolises it before anything else. Even though alcohol doesn't get converted into body fat itself (it mainly generates heat), if you eat anything with it, the food will tend to be stored in the body. Plus, the alcohol provides quite a lot of empty calories to your body, which makes it difficult to create a calorie deficit and lose weight/ fat.

Since we all tend to be so busy these days, we want everything to be quick and easy; food probably tops the list. That is why fast food outlets are so popular. Unfortunately though, convenience comes at a price, and that price is our waistlines and our health. Regular consumption of fast food will cause you to put on weight faster than almost anything else. If you are serious about flattening your stomach and losing the 'love handles' then don't eat any fast food for the next 4 weeks.

If you want a flat stomach then it is important that you eat as 'cleanly' as possible for the next 4 weeks and don't skip any meals. This means having 5 or 6 small, healthy meals every day! Here's an example of what you should have:

When you're busy or tired it is easier to get take away but rest assured if you make the effort and commitment to prepare your meals every day you will be amazed at the results you will achieve. Not only will your results be a flat stomach and better health but you will also feel a dramatic increase in your energy levels. Your body will start functioning closer to optimum levels. It is definitely worth the effort.

Plus, make sure you have all of your meals, don't skip any of them. Skipping meals is one of the first strategies many people employ when they want to lose weight. Whilst reducing food intake will assist fat loss / weight loss, skipping meals is not the best way to achieve this. The human body has many contingency plans to overcome this strategy. It will reduce its output of thyroid hormones, which slows down the metabolism, it increases the production of cortisol, which breaks down muscle and slows the metabolism even further. The human body also increases appetite, which leads to over-eating and it also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes so it tends to store more food as body fat, which will prevent future 'famines'.

If you decide to follow the nutritional plan outlined above or something similar, you will be eating much healthier. Despite this, it is impossible to get all the nutrients your body requires just from food. Accordingly, it is necessary to take supplements. Supplements are not magic but they will speed up the fat-burning process in your body as well as improve your overall health and well-being. Only a few supplements are needed to help flatten your stomach in 4 weeks.

A good quality multivitamin/ mineral supplement, like MultiBoost, is a great place to start. MultiBoost is known as the dieter's multi because not only does it provide nutrients that may be lacking in the diet but it also provides specific nutrients that up-regulate thyroid function. These nutrients (iodine and selenium) are absolutely essential for dieters because if someone follows a calorie controlled nutritional plan (as they should if they want to lose weight and flatten their stomach), over time their metabolism will slow down due to down-regulation of thyroid function. Supplementing with iodine and selenium whilst dieting prevents this metabolic slow down.

Omega-3's from fish oil or flax seed oil are also beneficial. Research has shown that omega-3's can assist fat burning in the body as well as provide many other health benefits. Take 4-6 fish oil capsules a day or a measured tablespoon of flax seed oil.

Often people find it difficult to have 5 or 6 small meals each day to assist their weight-loss efforts. In this case, protein shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes, are a great option. They are certainly not essential but because most people are so busy they are great to have for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals; they are quick, easy convenient and cheap. Shakes should NOT replace whole-food meals in the diet (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

If you are serious about getting a flat stomach in 4 weeks you really need to consider all possible options. Thermogenics (fat burners), like XLR8 Thermogenic, are definitely beneficial. They speed up your metabolism, give you an energy boost, and force your fat cells to release fatty acids into the blood stream, which then may be used by your body as fuel. They can certainly help you get a flat stomach fast. Thermogenics aren't for everyone though. If you have high blood pressure, take blood pressure medication or are pregnant or nursing then you will need to use a non-thermogenic fat burner, like SoLean 50+, instead.

One reason why many people find it difficult to lose weight is due to their body's inability to control its blood sugar (glucose) level. A high blood glucose causes the body to secrete insulin and insulin has the effect of storing glucose as fat if the carbohydrate stores in the body are full. Insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat as a fuel source. Insulin stops fat burning in its tracks!

GI Factor has been specifically designed to help keep insulin low by stabilising the blood sugar level. This results in greater fat burning in the body. It is best taken with the two largest meals and for most people this is lunch and dinner. Since they assist in keeping the blood sugar stable they will also help keep sugar cravings at bay during the 'danger times', which are around mid-afternoon and after dinner.

MultiSlim by BCN provides MultiBoost, XLR8 Thermogenic and GI Factor together in one pack. It is the ultimate weight-loss system and will help you lose weight and get a flat stomach faster than anything else on the market. If you are serious about getting the best possible results then this is your best option. The pack also offer free support to ensure you achieve your weight-loss goal as well as an information booklet that explains everything you need to do to get amazing results.

For any weight-loss system to be truly effective, exercise must be a component. Ideally it is best to perform both aerobic exercise and weight training but as long as some exercise is performed that is fine.

To get a flat stomach in 4 weeks you need to perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Remember, it is only 4 weeks so you have to be willing to commit to doing whatever is necessary to get the results you want. Once you achieve a flat stomach then you can reduce your frequency of aerobic exercise to 3 times a week.

The type of exercise you perform is completely up to you. Select the type of exercise you enjoy doing and can see yourself doing long term. It may be taking the dog for a walk, cycling on a stationary bike at home in front of the TV, or performing a kickboxing session with your personal trainer. The most important thing is that you enjoy the exercise.

The aerobic exercise will help you burn fat during the session, especially if you've taken a thermogenic prior to it. This exercise and thermogenic combination will also dramatically boost your metabolism and keep it elevated for some time after the session is completed. As a result, it is best not to have a meal for at least 20 minutes after the session is completed. This will promote even more fat burning in your body.

If possible, perform 'interval training' for absolute maximum fat burning from the session. This involves interspersing sprints with moderate intensity exercise. However, if this doesn't suit you then don't worry. The most important thing is that you perform the aerobic exercise consistently!

The weight training component is ideal for achieving the highly desired 'toned' look to your body. Whilst it is best to perform weight training exercises for every muscle group, in this article we are focusing only on the abdominal region to help you achieve a flat stomach.

A very important point is that performing abdominal exercises will NOT directly burn the fat from your stomach! It is impossible to 'spot reduce'. However, performing a variety of abdominal exercises will help to make the muscles stronger, which will improve your core strength and help you flatten the protruding, flaccid muscles that may be hanging over your belt!

Here are the 7 abdominal training principles:

1. Train all the abdominal muscles

2. Apply the abdominal training principles

3. Do not perform more than 20 reps per set

4. Train to failure on every set

5. Progressively overload the muscles

6. Don't train abs more than twice a week

7. Perform 2-3 giant sets of 5 exercises each workout

If you would like to find out what abdominal exercises to perform, simply email: and we will send you the complete 'Tone at Home' exercise that include the abdominal exercises to help you achieve a flat stomach in 4 weeks.

So there you have it, the best strategies to help you get a flat stomach in 4 weeks. If you are seriously committed to achieving a flat stomach, use all of the strategies suggested here and within a month you can have a mid-section that any Hollywood star would be proud of. Go for it!

By: Stephen J. Smith

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Stephen Smith is the part-owner of Body Concepts, an Australian supplement company, and Focus On, a health and lifestyle magazine. Stephen has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 18 years and after completing a science degree from UWA, spent many years researching the most effective ways to help people lose weight quickly. Lots of free articles and interesting weight loss information can be found on his website:

The Beginning Of A New Exercise Format by Andy Guides Jr

The definition of aerobics is with oxygen. Aerobic exercise is a combination of physical exercise, strength training and stretching. It is recommended that individuals get between 30 minutes to 1 hour of aerobic activity a day.

Aerobic exercise has many health benefits besides weight management.

Exercise reduces the systemic inflammation that can lead to the development of heart disease. In addition, exercise helps to increase good cholesterol while decreasing bad. It also makes the heart pump more efficiently, thus becoming stronger. Having a stronger heart allows for a healthier lifestyle, controls weight, and leads to a sense of well-being. Theses changes can help control blood pressure levels.

Another benefit of exercise in people with Type 2 diabetes is that it makes the efficiency of the body better by increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin. In addition, more glucose is produced and pressed out of the blood stream. The blood will enter the cells and decrease the amount of glucose in the blood. By allowing glucose to metabolize in the body and letting normal blood sugar levels be maintained, aerobic exercise minimizes the risk of developing diabetes.

Incorporating exercise into a daily routing reduces obesity by controlling weight, helps to reduce and control body fat, and improves body muscle strength and flexibility.

Aerobics also helps with the over all quality of life by improving sleep, reducing fatigue, increasing energy levels, improving mood, reducing depression, stress and anxiety. It increases endorphins, which make the outlook on life more positive, prevents certain cancers and may help to increase longevity all while being happier.

In order to get the most benefits out of aerobic exercise, it is important to get the heart within target heart range. This is done by the calculated age method. Starting with the number 220, age is subtracted and that number is multiplied by 70 percent. Although this method is not totally accurate since people are at different levels of fitness ability, it does give a safe starting point. The American Heart Association recommends a range between 50 percent and 75 percent of maximum heart rate. Exercising at a target heart rate is the best way to get the most out of daily exercise and reap its benefits.

In 1968, Dr. Kenneth Cooper developed a series of exercises listed in his book, Aerobics, that he knew would help to prevent coronary artery disease. These exercises were running, bicycling, swimming and walking.

Aerobic dance came about shortly after Dr. Coopers book was published, by a woman named Jackie Sorenson. She developed dance routines that were found to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Howard and Karen Schwartz started a gymnastic like sports in 1983 called sportaerobics. By the year 2002, sportaerobics had gone through many changes to become gymnastique discipline which is what we know it as today. It is a competition where 6 athletes compete in 105 second gymnastic routines and are judged based on their artistic performance and technical merit.

Including aerobic activity into a daily routine, will lead to a longer, happier, and healthier life.

An Exercise Bike Workout -- Tips For Fat Burning

To lose weight and burn fat you can choose the exercise bike workout as a core fitness routine. That does not signify that the stationary bike is clearly better than other exercise equipment. It is however a time proven piece of machinery and does have some advantages especially if you pick particular kinds of bikes. The type of bike can be a key to success with an exercise system. Read on to find out why...

An exercise bike workout is one way to burn up quite a few calories in a hurry. For example, for a 150 pound person here's what happens. Pedaling really hard and fast burns about 9.6 calories per minute. Casual pedaling uses about 7.9 calories in a minute of riding. That means about 300 calories is all you will use in a half hour workout. Of course coasting along at an easy pace may produce almost no results. After all, it's work that uses the calories...

Pick another machine and the results will be different but maybe not as different as you may think.

Rowing a rower at a moderate pace burns about 7.9 calories a minute. Step aerobics burns 11.3 calories per minute on a 10 to 12 inch step. Bicycling at 12-13.9 mph uses 9 calories per minute. Running 5.2 mph gets rid of 10.2 calories per minute.

It matters little which machine you use...

A pound of fat means 3500 calories are stored and must be burned to get rid of it... That's a lot to shed at 300 calories in a routine. But it really is more involved since the mechanism calories get used up depends on whether we're considering fats or carbs or protein. They're all used as energy but all get used in a different way. Burning fat takes some time as you can readily see.

But where stationary bike workout really shines is the cranking up of metabolism. Observe the right kind of workout can actually make a body a superior fat burner. Exercise bike workouts can help speed metabolism especially as muscles get built and stronger. Muscle building is critical to changing the metabolism or rate at which fat is burned. It's the muscle building that can speed fat burning and make getting leaner a bit faster and easier than it looks like it should be to start. But what about the different kinds of exercise bikes?

As you can readily see, it takes time on the bike to make much in the way of improvements. It's steady, regular workouts that will get you where you want to be. That means a bike that is comfortable to use and not a hassle will more likely get used.

Cheap bikes will often self-destruct in short order... It's just a matter of how quickly the come-apart is complete. That's why the better deals are really in the mid-priced machines that are built heavy and durable. Whether a recumbent like the Schwinn 240 recumbent or an upright, either type will do. Another plus to mid-range bikes is most are computer controlled and magnetic drives. That makes for a smooth ride and more. What's more, the computer heavy bikes make for a more interesting ride and one that's less boring to the rider. What stops many exercise bike workout routines is just plain old boredom. The computers can make for much less boredom and the resulting time in the saddle increases can get it done. There is another way as well.

The dual action bikes like the Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike make for a completely different workout experience. Using both arms and legs for working makes for a more varied sort of workout that is less boring too. That's another way to fight boredom. Also using more muscle groups makes for a more balanced workout as well.

It takes time to get rid of fat with any kind of exercise. Exercise bike workout time is one of the more convenient ways to get a workout and that makes for more time spent and less time wasted. It's just that the magnetic drives are found on many bikes now and can be a real plus for an interesting workout that will get done and produce results. On the other hand, the dual action stationary bikes like the Schwinn Airdyne also keep it interesting and use more of the muscles for maybe even faster results. In the final analysis to get good results takes some time at the machine and it must be time spent regularly to really produce much in the way of results.

By: Al Freed

Article Directory:

Check out our article about the Airdyne bike at, a classic machine that is worth a look. Check our site for exercise bike reviews at and indoor bike workout routines.

My Doctor Told Me To Do Aerobic Exercise Five Times A Week. Should I Ride A Bicycle, Jog Or Walk Fast?

Question: My doctor told me to do aerobic exercise five times a week. Should I ride a bicycle, jog or walk fast?

Answer: In terms of recommendations, the doctor may recommend a variety of exercises. Whether or not you ride a bike obviously depends on whether you own one, and where you live, and what the opportunities for exercise are. So I would say, choose the exercise that's convenient for you and safe.

If you live in an area where you can ride a cycle and enjoy it, that's great. Use the correct protective gear. If you're in a high density area where cycling is dangerous, you can get the same benefit out of walking, vary it, go up and down stairs, consider a treadmill or an exercycle. All of these are quite good for you in terms of aerobic exercise and benefiting your heart.

Next: Are Alternative Exercises Such As Yoga Helpful For The Prevention Of Heart Disease?

Previous: How Much Exercise Is Recommended For Heart Disease Prevention, And Are Aerobics Better Than Weight Training?

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How To Talk About Your Workout Routine Without Making Everyone Else Feel Lazy

In the New Year, many of us go after this health and wellness thing in earnest. But since it's a new -- or at least not continuous -- pursuit for so many of us, it can be hard to know how to integrate our new regimes into our well-mannered lives. Enter Mind Your Manners, our just-in-January series on all things health and etiquette.

A friend who gets swept up in a new fitness routine is like a friend who is in the honeymoon stage of a relationship. They are SO SO happy, you guys, and just want to share every detail about the way they've been spending their free time. Their lives have changed -- and you're their best audience.

We've all done it at some point (or at least know someone who has). In the '80s, it was aerobics. The '90s, yoga. The '00s were about novelty workouts that tried to distract you from working out. Now, it's boutique studios -- and squats. So many squats.

While you should always be able to talk about your hobby with your pals, we've asked Faye de Muyshondt, author and founder of socialsklz:-) for SUCCESS, about navigating the unspoken rules of fitness talk.

How often can you talk about your new workout routine before you reach the "annoying" point?

A mention of a new workout routine is sufficient for starters. It's a great conversation starter and can open the door to further dialogue, but remember that if someone else is interested in the conversation, they'll ask further questions. If not, let it go. You said it, you shared it, but they're not interested in the conversation and take note. Think about things you don't like to talk about -- it might be babies or ailments -- and then imagine someone talking at length about that topic.

Is it acceptable to substitute social interactions with workouts? (For example, a friend who wants you to go to their kickboxing class all the time instead of catching up over coffee or lunch.)

Of course it is, but as long as you know that the person you're asking is into kickboxing or spin class. It can be fun, but remember to be sensitive before inquiring. If you know this person isn't into workouts, don't ask. If there is already a shared interest, absolutely.

What do you say to the oddly competitive people who like to tell you that their workout is better than yours?

IGNORE and switch the subject! It's not worth the effort. Some of these workouts can become cult-like and ultimately a lot has to do with personal preference!

Is a "sweat selfie" ever OK?

Think about the end result. Put yourself in the viewers' shoes AND take a moment to think about who your viewers are. If you saw my "sweat selfie" on Facebook, what would you think? Are you okay with someone else's mental image of you being a sweaty one? If yes, go for it!

What about posting progress shots on Instagram/Facebook/etc.?

Everything in moderation, right? So if you want to post a status update on your progress sporadically, fine, but moderation is key. Also, give some thought to what the progress shot is. Your scale? A photo of you at the gym scantily clad? A simple photo of you (dressed) with a notable weight difference? Your abs? A rear shot? And also ask, "Is a photo really necessary?" before you post. Ask someone else's opinion.

What about the friends who are perpetually forwarding unsolicited workout "advice" or constantly repinning "fitspiration" on Pinterest?

The great thing about all of our social media outlets is that we can simply press "unfollow" and not have to be persistently faced with a barrage of advice and whatnot. Rather than commenting or questioning, IGNORE!

Manual Penis Enlargement: Hot Wrap Exercises

Manual penis enlargement: Hot Wrap exercises

After you have read through the pc exercise, you are ready to move onto the procedures for getting more blood into the penis prior to your workout. This is typically known as the "hot wrap" procedure and works on the basic principle that by heating up the penis, you are improving the blood flow and drawing more blood to the penis. The hot wrap procedure can be a major aid in the enlargement process, if it is used even some of the time in your program. It is important to try the hot wrap or a variation as often as possible, especially when you are starting out.

The hot wrap will help condition new members into the flow of the exercises and the program. It should be noted that for men with circulatory problems, the shower variation of the hot wrap is an especially good idea. Older men or men with diabetes and other conditions that affect circulation should try the shower variation, since it not only increases the circulation to the penis, but to the rest of the body as well.


? Increased circulation of penis and rest of body

? Improves length over time

? Conditions penis for stronger erection


When moving from the hot wrap to a warm-up exercise, you should keep your erection if you have one. There is no reason to lose your erection and then begin again, that only wears out your penis. Keep your erection between exercises if at all possible.

Working the Hot Wrap

The hot wrap procedure is important for the same reason that the pc exercise is important; it helps prime the penis for the exercises. Penis enlargement moves along a sliding scale, it is not abrupt like a penis pump. You cannot go from nothing to something immediately, first it is important to set the environment for the exercises by making sure that the penis is well-engorged and healthy. When lifting weights or doing aerobic exercise, it is important to drink water to keep your body hydrated. By using the pc exercise and the hot wrap, you are keeping your penis oxygenated and "hydrated" with healthy blood.


Do the hot wrap every time before you exercise. Taking an extra few minutes to do the hot wrap will help you get the most out of the program.

The Exercise:

The idea of circulation is carried easily into the concept of a hot wrap. Heat allows blood to flow more easily through the body, and circulation is always conducive to healthy function. The premise of this procedure is to draw more blood to the penis before engaging the other exercises, making their action more effective. You should have an erection for this exercise.

Step 1

Take a washcloth or rag and place it in steaming water. NOTE: make sure that the water is not overly hot, as this will result in possible damage. Check the cloth by picking it up and placing it against the skin of your abdomen and test whether you are able to hold it there. If so, continue with step two.

Fitness Tip

Step 2

Wrap the cloth carefully around the phallus, covering the entire length of the shaft. It is important to close off the end of the cloth closest to the tip, to prevent the flow of colder air. Hold the cloth on the penis until it either cools to a temperature that you can no longer feel through your skin (i.e. lukewarm) or two to three minutes have passed. When you remove the cloth the penis should be a reddish colour due to the increased flow of blood. If for some reason it is not entirely red, repeat step one and two again. Possible problems could be the temperature of the water or your general body temperature. It helps some men to wear warm clothing on the upper body for these exercises.


This procedure is meant to increase the blood flow to the penis, and enable more productive exercises when one engages the manuals enlargement procedures. Blood circulation also enhances sensation, and the warm wrap is a possible option prior to intercourse, as well as masturbation. The phallus performs better when stimulated by heat, as is proved through intercourse and the friction of masturbation. The hot wrap procedure is widely used in other settings, to increase blood circulation to parts of the body that will be manipulated in physical therapy, or other related treatments.

Shower Variation

Many men find that simply doing the exercises in the shower works well. This is an ideal situation, since the circulation in the penis is increased throughout the whole course of the exercises. If you can do at least one set of exercises in the shower, it is a very good idea to do so.

By: Lyn Redman

Fitness Tip

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Are You A Dog Owner Here You Can FindDog Bowls For Fast Eaters To Stop Your Dog Suffering Dog Bloat or Stomach Twisting

Tips on Getting Fit Fast

Today's life is extremely simple and convenient. You have everything you need within the hand's reach. You have a car to take you to places, a cell phone to keep in touch with your loved ones, a computer that connects you to the world, an elevator which saves you the trouble of climbing stairs, and a complete range of home appliances that make life so much comfortable. What more could one ask for in life? Health! That's the unanimous reply from all those who have been crippled by the luxuries of modern life. Sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle has really made people very unfit, and victims of several diseases and disorders. However, the good news is that people are finally looking out for ways to ditch their unhealthy lifestyle and are trying to lead a healthy life.

Tips on Getting Fit Fast

Plan it Out

Yes, like any other big project, you need to plan out your fitness regimen as well. Without a concrete get fit quick plan, all your random attempts may end without a result. Hence, it is a must that you identify your problem areas and chalk out a plan to work upon these areas. While we are at it, I would like to make it clear that being fit has got nothing to do with being slim. You can be fat yet fit. On the contrary, a size zero model may have several health issues, which prevent her from qualifying as a fit person. Hence, forget about those extra pounds here and there and focus upon the major health issues that you experience. Do you feel tired and exhausted all the time? Perhaps, there is something wrong with your diet. Do you suffer from body pain, digestion problems? May be you are not exercising enough. Whatever it is, you need to first find out the cause of concern in your body. Perhaps a session with a general physician may help you to address your health woes, and guide you towards your goal of healthy living.

Eat Well

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, most of us pay little attention to what we eat. The canned, processed food that we eat, does little to provide nutrition to our body. All it does is pile up calories and gather pounds of fat on your body. Even the food served in restaurants is high in calories and does not adhere to proper hygiene measures. Not only you risk food poisoning from such foods, but you also damage your body in the long run. It is extremely important to eat fresh, home cooked food if you wish to stay fit and fine. Healthy eating includes incorporating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, dairy products, poultry, and lean meat which can help provide complete nutrition to your body. Low calorie food indeed prevents you from being lethargic and keeps you alert all day.


Exercising does not necessarily mean toiling hard in the gym. You can perform simple, light exercises even at home. Choosing the right form of exercises is important to get a fit body. Hire a personal trainer who may suggest appropriate exercises by evaluating your body type and studying your problem areas. If you do not have major health issues and have a lean body, simply walking for 20 - 30 minutes can keep you fit. Cycling, swimming, running, and jogging are other light exercises that can help you stay fit. Thus, choose a form of exercise that suits your gender, age, and body type.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

This is another important aspect of staying fit and healthy. Your diet and exercise can take you only so far, but it is your habits that will truly determine your physical and mental health. Give up unhealthy addictions like alcohol, drugs, or smoking. Similarly, focus upon your mental health by performing yoga or meditation. Try to be happy and stress free in your daily life.

Remember, the idea of getting fit fast is impractical. It is not some quick weight loss program which puts your body under tremendous stress only to lose a few pounds (which eventually come back!). Building fitness is a gradual process and requires immense patience on your part. So, make a resolution to stay fit from this moment itself!

The Bruce Lee Workout Routine

A Word of Warning

"You must have complete determination. The worst opponent you can come across is one whose aim has become an obsession. For instance, if a man has decided that he is going to bite off your nose no matter what happens to him in the process, the chances are he will succeed in doing it." - Bruce Lee

Before starting any workout routine, it's crucial to make sure that you have the necessary time and dedication to stick to it. Odds are, the full Bruce Lee workout routine is just too much for the average person today in terms of time consumption. In the interest of that, in the tables below I will offer a simplified routine while still detailing the full Bruce Lee workout.

Bruce Lee trained for hours every day. Not all of us have the kind of time necessary for such a comprehensive routine, but our lives don't rely on our martial technique every day either. Bruce Lee made his living as a martial artist, and the amount of training time he devoted reflects that.

Bruce Lee Weight Training

"Instead of dedicating your life to actualize a concept of what you should be like, ACTUALIZE YOURSELF" - Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee trained extensively with weights, employing two alternating routines on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays in addition to a daily core routine and his cardiovascular, as well as martial arts training. While raising a family, reading, studying philosophy, filming, and more. One has to wonder if the man ever slept.

I have left the core workout largely unaltered, only reducing the set count. The rest of the workout routines in the tables will be simplified versions that can be performed without the ability to manipulate the fabric of time itself.

Bruce Lee Cardio

Bruce Lee was a proponent of running, considering it his time to be alone and think. He typically ran a four-mile circuit in between 20 and 25 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He performed interval training during the runs, sprinting a short distance and then returning to a more comfortable running pace.

Cycling was done on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at high speed for about 45 minutes after about 30 minutes with the jump rope. These two workouts in conjunction emphasize the legs heavily along with overall endurance.

8 Simple Workouts You Can Do At Home

As winter approaches the idea of heading outside to the gym -- let alone doing any outdoor exercise -- becomes less and less appealing. That's why Lacey Stone, a celebrity fitness trainer who has worked with such stars as Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster and Brooke Shields, recommends these easy, at-home workouts that will help burn calories and sculpt you from head to toe -- from the comfort of your living room.

"These moves are for people looking to take their fitness to the next level, former athletes or novices," says Stone. For step-by-step instructions on how to do each move, check out these videos.



Crab-CrawlHow to: Take a seat on the ground. Lift your rear off the ground in a bridge with your hands just outside your shoulders. Next, walk backwards 8 to 10 feet, stop and then reverse the motion forward. Repetitions: Do this exercise three times for 30 to 45 seconds, each. Depending on your level of fitness, you may need to work up to this. Health benefits: This routine works on your shoulders, triceps and core, says celebrity fitness trainer, Lacey Stone. "I use this with my clients who want a full body tone-up."

SupermansHow to: Lay flat on your stomach with your arms out in front of you resting on the ground. Your legs should also be lying flat on the ground. With your head in a neutral position, lift both arms and legs simultaneously, as if you were flying. As you lift up your lower back should contract. Repetitions: Hold each movement for at least two to five seconds per repetition and depending on your fitness level do between 15 and 20 repetitions and work yourself up to three sets. Health benefits: This move strengthens the lower back muscles which is part of your core. Stone recommends doing this exercise if you have a weaker lower back.

Side PlankHow to: Lie on the ground on your side. Your shoulder should be in-line with your elbow. Lift and hold in the planked position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Repetitions: You should aim for three sets, each you will hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. Health benefits: This is great for your obliques and core, says Stone.

Jumping Jacks, Foot-Fires and Squat ThrustsHow to: These are not your average jumping jacks from gym class, says Stone. These are FAST jacks. After about 20 jumping jacks move into a modified squat position for "foot-fires." Act as if your feet are literally on fire tapping your feet to the ground alternating left and right as quickly as possible. After you've tapped the ground 40 times with both your right and left feet you will go into squat thrusts. From a standing position drop to the ground in a push-up position with arms shoulder width apart. Once your hands touch the ground explode off the ground jumping as high as you can into the air. Repeat this 10 times. Repetitions: Aim to do the jumping jacks, foot-fires and squat thrusts three times. Health benefits: Stone calls this set "the deadly three." Even though you only do it three times it's a total cardio workout.

Mountain ClimbersHow to: Start out on the floor in a push-up position, hands shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs so your body is straight from head to your heels. While keeping your upper body still, draw one knee at a time towards your hands, moving as quickly as possible. Repetitions: Work up to three set with each set being 30 to 45 seconds. Health benefits: This is an awesome cardio routine that works your core and your legs, says Stone.

Squat ExplosionsHow to: Get in a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down to 90 degrees and then explosively jump off the ground as high as you can. Note: Your knees should stay soft and slightly bent in both take-off and landing. Repetitions: Repeat the exercise for 15 to 20 reps, three times. Health benefits: This works your quads, hamstrings and rear, says Stone.

Side To Side HopsHow to: Place a towel on the ground to use as a marker. With a slight bend in your knees -- so they are not ridged -- jump side to side as quickly as you can without touching the towel or jumping over it for 30 seconds. Then jump forward and back over the marker for 30 seconds. Repetitions: You will do each set for 30 seconds. Aim to do these side to side hops three times. Health benefits: This is a great and quick cardio routine.


Former Syracuse football OL Sean Hickey starts individual NFL team workouts Thursday

Syracuse, N.Y. -- Former Syracuse tackle Sean Hickey takes the next step in his path toward the 2015 NFL Draft when he participates in his first individual NFL team workout on Thursday.

Hickey has four workouts already scheduled leading up to Syracuse's Pro Day on April 7 and plans to add more before and/or after Pro Day. He expects most workouts, which will take place in Syracuse, to consist of a discussion portion that includes film breakdown and Xs and Os talk and a short session of on-field drills.

"I've been told that some teams really want to see footwork, some teams want to see how you respond to coaching, some teams want to see if you'll quit in a workout," said Hickey, who declined to name teams before the respective workouts.

For Hickey, the workouts offer a 1-on-1 opportunity to impress respective offensive line coaches.

Coming off an NFL Scouting Combine performance in which he did not participate in timed drills due to a hamstring tweak, he's "training hard, but smart" while continuing his regular workout sessions with SU strength and conditioning coach Will Hicks and a handful of other former Orange players.

Hickey, who said he was told by scouts that he's viewed as a third-to-fifth-round draft prospect, has focused on his hamstring and hip flexor mobility since returning from the combine while keeping his sights set on strong performances at the workouts and Pro Day.

He's working on every aspect of the 40-yard dash except the explosion itself, Hickey said. And with four weeks before he has to run it at Pro Day, there's no need to hurry.

Hickey plans on beginning to work in more of the "violent explosion" involved in the drill later this week and hasn't felt any pain in his hamstring in weeks.

"We're really attacking the rehab in a way that's functional," Hickey said.

Improving a bench press performance that was third-best at the combine is another one of Hickey's points of emphasis.

Last Monday, Hickey said he completed a circuit of 12 repetitions at 275 pounds, 10 repetitions at 315 pounds, eight repetitions at 335 pounds and six repetitions at 405 pounds.

After a two-minute break, he cranked out 36 repetitions of 225 pounds -- one more than he was credited with at the combine.

And on Thursday, Hicks put Hickey and his peers through a bench workout meant to improve fatigued performance. Hickey was asked to complete as many repetitions as possible on 275 pounds, then 245, 225, 205 and 185 without a break between sets.

"I've been making sure on all my 225(-pound reps) I've been going slow because going fast is kind of what bit me at the combine," Hickey said.

Aside from the hamstring tweak shortly before the combine, Hickey's training has gone smoothly. He works out with "the 11:30 a.m. group" regularly and comes back for field work after a 30-to-40 minute break.

Other former Syracuse players who are in the group include running back Prince-Tyson Gulley, wide receivers Jarrod West and Alec Lemon defensive ends Rob Welsh and Micah Robinson, cornerback Brandon Reddish and defensive tackle Eric Crume, Hickey said.

"It's real goal-driven, high-intensity," Hickey said, "but at the same time it's a blast. It's one of the best times you'll have working out."

Hickey credited SU assistant strength and conditioning coach "Muscle Matt" Mancz and a "Weight Room Wayne" that isn't listed in the SU Athletics staff directory for helping create a positive environment.

He hopes to reflect on the team workouts just as positively.

Contact Stephen Bailey anytime: Email | Twitter | 315-427-2168

Muscle Building Misconceptions That Will Make You Thin

I often get emails coming from hard gainers seeking guidance on how to gain weight as well as build up muscles. That generally goes something similar to this:

"So i'm 5"11, and a hundred thirty lbs... I actually consume a lot of foods everyday and still, I can not have the ability to put on any hefty muscle size. I exercise and use resistance training every day and I 'm not really putting on any kind of extra weight. Now i am consuming muscle development pills like powdered protein, creatine, Appeton Weight Gain, and a few others. I know I am a hard gainer thus i really need assistance!"

Does this seem anything just like you? Are you a hard gainer who actually goes to the gym every single day, eats everything in sight, and used each and every new supplement that gets to the clinic?

...And then after all that time period, efforts, and hard work, you're STILL skinny?

Right now, I am intending to debunk several muscle building misguided beliefs for you - And I'm also planning to provide you with a program that you could start using today to start gaining weight quickly.

Myth #1: Hard gainers should train each day to increase extra weight

This really is one of the largest misbelief I observe hard gainers make constantly. Bodybuilding journal could have you believe that frequent weight training exercise sessions six days a week is the only way you're going to get huge.

This is a complete lie!

Take note, the only guys getting big from pursuing these types of insane exercise routines are actually steroid-fueled men and a few other genetically gifted men.

In reality, this is basically the Worst method for hard gainers like you and me to go by. So why? Mainly because it leads to over-exerting. The body basically can not restore fast enough in your past workout. So if you're exercising everyday back-to-back, you are actually doing more damage - and Halting your muscular tissues from growing!

In order for your muscle groups to increase they need time and energy to recover and restore. Easy as that. Consequently, never ever workout 2 days consecutively. I prefer a three day separated program, which gives you a nice rest in between work outs and helps you return to the gym bigger and stronger compared with what you were before.

Myth #2: You're already feeding on lots of foods

No you aren't! This can be one more HUGE difficulty that will put you back from attaining the muscles you really want...

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but when you aren't gaining weight every week, subsequently, you're not necessarily consuming as much as you think you are!

It really is alright though, mainly because I had been guilty of that when i first began. I believed I'm consuming a ton of food each day. However when I basically calculated what I consumed, as it turns out I had been only consuming near 2500 calories!

That is why I wasn't growing!

I'll supply you with a formula to use right now which will show you just how much you need to be eating to be able to put on weight. Here it is:

20 x your own bodyweight = daily caloric intake

You need to take your own bodyweight multiplied by 20 and that is exactly how many day-to-day calorie intake you need to eat to be able to start making gains.

When you stick to this formula you will be Much nearer to eating the right amount of calories you need to start gaining muscles. Naturally, everyone is different and you might require more or much less. It depends exactly how active you may be through the day. The harder the strenuous activity one does, the greater calories you will burn off. Hence the more calories you'll want to try to eat.

But the idea is that you simply have to know the amount you are actually eating every day! The body will only expand when it receives a nutrient excess. If you're not eating sufficiently, your entire body can not develop new muscular tissues.

Myth #3: This kind of pill will develop muscle

Nutritional supplements don't develop muscle mass. Serious body building, stuffing your body with foods, and achieving plenty of sleep builds muscle mass.

Nutritional supplements can assist you generate muscle mass. But don't get into the fake perception that any kind of supplement will do the work in your case. The reality is, for those who aren't performing the proper workout routines... If your diet plan sucks... If you regularly receive only 5 hours of sleep a single night... Then you could spend $500 monthly on all of the health supplements you would like, and you would not gain a pound!

If it isn't a kick in the butt, then i have no idea what is. A lot of men puts a lot of credit to supplements. In my opinion it's because of the lure of the "rapid and straightforward fix." This is just what supplement businesses want you to think!

And yet i want to ask you... Just when was the last time you actually took a supplement and acquired ten pounds of lean muscle mass?

Not ever.

The truth is dietary supplements may help a bit. They could help you truly feel more dynamic... They might increase your testosterone somewhat... They could help you get more health proteins in your diet... They could boost your chance to elevate heavy weights... However , these are all little, insignificant factors compared to the bigger picture of constructing muscle mass.

Absolutely nothing could substitute a great weight training method, a weight gain diet, and good old sleep. So why don't we agree to STOP getting the blame on dietary supplements. In fact, if you are first starting out, I'd personally even recommend you remove all the supplements and invest that money in getting much more whole foods! That's the real points that will help you gain weight.

While a hard gainer myself I know that muscle development may seem challenging in the beginning... But when you place many of these common myths to rest it will get easier and more pleasurable. Simply because once you know the truth, and start putting into action the strategy you master, that's when you begin to discover nuts increases which will astonish perhaps your self.

By: Steven DeAngelo

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Steven DeAngelo is a personal trainer teaching skinny guys how to gain weight and build muscle fast. For more information about hard gainers you can visit Here you will fond a ton of expert advice on how to bulk up and gain weight. Especially if you are a skinny guy.

Joey Atlas' Naked Beauty Workout Program Review

The Naked Beauty product is a very popular exercise system to get rid of cellulite on the net.

On this Naked Beauty review we are going to talk about this digital product, see what are the pros and cons of it and understand better if this anti cellulite program is really for you or not.

The Naked Beauty Review - What Precisely Is this program?

Created by a very famous fitness expert coach, Joey Atlas, Naked Beauty is a step by step anti cellulite system that was written to help all the women who are suffering from cellulite to get rid of their cellulite with a series of concentrated exercise routines at home.

The main purpose of Joey Atlas in his Naked Beauty exercises program is to teach the reader the right way to focus on the specific muscles that are just naturally weaker so they'll have the ability to support the skin tissues that are just above them and push them outward, and by that to get rid of the cellulite look.

Joey Atlas promises that not only his anti cellulite exercise system will help you to improve your look, but it can also be helpful for you to eradicate these trouble zones in just 4 weeks with no creams or any expensive stuff.

To find out if it's really possible and to understand better if this product is basically for you, let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of this cellulite reduction system.

The Naked Beauty Review - The Advantages And Disadvantages

The Pros

Proven And Comprehensive System

One advantage of the Naked Beauty program by Joey Atlas is the fact that in contrast to many similar programs online this workout program contains different components and not just one book with bunch of exercises.

When buying this product you will get a number of ebooks, video tutorials, free life-time subscription to 'The Cellulite Files', few bonuses, home exercises DVD and some other components which can be essential in order to get rid of your cellulite faster.

Easy To Follow Program Which Can Be Done At Your Home

Another One of the biggest advantages of Joey Atlas' program is that each one of the workouts in this system could be completed at home with out the need for special gear, something that may be very important for busy women.

Additionally, the entire exercise routine takes just 15 to 22 minutes each day and all of the workouts are shown in video, so it's very simple to learn how you can perform each one of them correctly.

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Joey Atlas' Naked Beauty anti cellulite program is supposed to give the user great results in nearly four weeks.

However, this product comes with 2 months of full money back guarantee, making it very easy for each female to try this cellulite reduction exercise program without any risk.

The Cons

Will Not Help You To Lose Fat

One thing to remember about the Naked Beauty product is that it's not a diet program and this cellulite reduction workout system won't help you to with losing extra fat.

The only goal of this exercises program is to develop muscle tone which will help you to get rid of the cellulite, so in case you are searching for a fat loss program then this system might be not for you.

Available For Sale Only On The Web

Joey Atlas' Naked Beauty anti cellulite program is offered for sale just on the internet and you won't see it at any store.

By: mikehammillo

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Are you ready to find out if Naked Beauty is actually for you? Check the complete review on the Naked Beauty System at this Honest Digital Product Reviews site and discover how you can get the complete system for the lowest price on the internet ,even today!

Fusion fitness classes pack Pilates with punch, yoga with jumps

By Dornene Internicolat

NEW YORK Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:27am EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - From yoga with leaps and jumps to Pilates that packs a punch, fitness experts say the craze for short, intense workouts has resulted in some odd pairings.

While these hybrid routines may seem strange, they can be an efficient way to boost the heart rate and increase calorie burn when there is thoughtful reasoning behind them, they say.

"My belief is to make the most of every second at the gym: get the workout done in the shortest time possible," said Stephanie Lauren, a certified group fitness and yoga instructor.

The New Jersey-based Lauren is the creator of Plyoga fitness, a group fitness class that melds the slow stretches of yoga with the explosive jumping and leaping that is plyometrics.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which combines repeated short bouts of intense exercise followed by short recovery periods, is at the center of Plyoga.

"Plyometrics and yoga are two of the most fundamental disciplines out there. We call them the yin and yang of fitness," she said, adding that many plyometric moves and yoga postures flow well into each other.

"After you hold a yoga pose for a while, a squat thrust is recovery," Lauren explained.

Strength, endurance, core development, balance and flexibility are among the benefits of the equipment-free class, she added.

"Many hardcore exercisers just can't slow down enough to choose a traditional yoga stretch," Lauren said, adding that for some people the class is a way to get their heart rate up.

A 2014 report from the trade association IHRSA (International Health Racquet Sportsclub Association) found that women are up to two to three times more likely than men to join group exercise classes.

Swedish-born Viveca Jensen created Piloxing, an exercise regime that blends the stretches and low impact exercises of Pilates with boxing and dance techniques. The 60-minute choreographed workout is done in 37 countries around the world.

The workout begins with an eight-minute warm-up followed by choreographed boxing, a sequence of standing Pilates moves, dance and then 10 minutes of floor work before a cool-down.

"It's very much an interval training exercise. We want heart rates to go up," said Jensen, who claims that Piloxing can burn 400-900 calories per class.

Jessica Matthews, an exercise physiologist at Miramar College in San Diego, California, said mixing a vigorous cardiovascular workout with a mellow, flexibility-focused activity has become common in hybrid fitness classes.

"HIIT training has come center stage," she said.

But Matthews, who is a yoga teacher and group fitness instructor, cautions against renouncing a daily walk or run.

"HIIT shows that in a very short time we can elicit maximum benefits, but that's not saying that anything not HIIT should be tossed," she explained.

Matthews, who has seen yoga combined with pole dancing, and ballet barre classes combined with resistance tubing, said that in evaluating a fusion class, it's important to assess whether you're getting the benefits of both modalities.

She also urged consumers to find qualified instructors.

"These classes need to be thoughtfully designed," she said. "That is the key consideration."

(Editing by Patricia Reaney and Gunna Dickson)

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Vixen workouts fuse foxy cardio fitness with girls’ night out

By Dorene Internicola

NEW YORK Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:30am EDT

A woman takes part in the Vixen workout in Miami, Florida in this June 2014 picture provided by Jess Moore Photography. Empowerment is a big part of the Vixen workout, a hip-hop dance class with a night club feel that fitness experts say offers a cardio girls' night out to women who may be keen to channel their inner Beyonce, Ciara or Rihanna, but wouldn't be caught dead in a gym. REUTERS/Jess Moore Photography/Handout via Reuters

A woman takes part in the Vixen workout in Miami, Florida in this June 2014 picture provided by Jess Moore Photography. Empowerment is a big part of the Vixen workout, a hip-hop dance class with a night club feel that fitness experts say offers a cardio girls' night out to women who may be keen to channel their inner Beyonce, Ciara or Rihanna, but wouldn't be caught dead in a gym.

Credit: Reuters/Jess Moore Photography/Handout via Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Before the music begins members of the women-only exercise class, dressed in shredded tank tops, full makeup and wedged sneakers, pose seductively before studio mirrors and chant, "Yes, I'm sexy. Yes, I'm fierce. Yes, I've got this."

Empowerment is a big part of the Vixen workout, a hip-hop dance class with a night club feel that fitness experts say offers a cardio girls' night out to women who may be keen to channel their inner Beyonce, Ciara or Rihanna, but wouldn't be caught dead in a gym.

"It's all about wearing your sexiest leggings, putting on your brightest red lipstick and taking your hair down so you can bend over and shake it," said Jolie Bedini, 40, a single mother who takes a Miami Vixen class up to five times a week.

Fueled by the songs from rap stars Lil Wayne, Rick Ross and Pitbull, the workout mixes sultry dance moves such as booty battles, kitten stretches and twerks with body lunges and squats.

"A bit of sexy dancing and you're into the zone," said Bedini, noting that the workout helped her lose weight.

Up to 100 women attend the party-lit, hour-long, mostly evening classes, which began in Miami and have spread to New Jersey, Los Angeles and Chicago.

The workout is the brainchild of Janet Jones, a former Miami Heat basketball team dancer and hip-hop performer.

Jones said the concept emerged from the invisibility she felt after her pregnancy and taking a nine-to-five job, a time she refers to as her black hole.

"Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, they're all vixens. Beyonce is the ultimate vixen but I think every woman has a vixen inside her," Jones said.

She said encouraging clients to dress for a girls' night out gets them into the performance spirit.

"Most of them have never experienced themselves as performers. All of a sudden they're focusing on getting the movement, picking up the choreography. They work harder and lose weight," she explained. "If I have no makeup and I'm in sweats, I don't feel like a vixen."

Shirley Archer, a spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise, said the Vixen workout is effective.

"Everyone is getting their heart rates up and moving continuously throughout the routine," said Archer, author of "The Everything Wedding Workout Book."

Learning dance moves is also great brain exercise as it challenges the mind-body connection, coordination and memorization.

"The best exercise for you is the exercise that you actually do," she explained. "Making the workout fun, like a girls night out at a dance club, is a great way to motivate women who enjoy dancing to keep on training, which is key to getting results."

Jones said the women in the classes average 25 to 35 years old but some are in their 70's.

"My mother-in law takes the class," she said. "All women need a time for themselves to be a little rebellious."

(Editing by Patricia Reaney and Richard Chang)

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300 Workout Routine

Movie 300 needs no introduction, nor does anyone need to remind us of how the actors looked in the movie. Though we came out wondering how all actors had such great physique, little did we ponder if there were some specific exercise routines for them to follow. Well, 300 workout routine is the brainchild of Mark Twight, who took the movie name 300 a bit too literally. This gym instructor and a renowned mountain climber was assigned the job of training the actors including the main lead Gerald Butler, when he designed this workout. This workout plan is said to be the quickest way to get a six pack. With this design and his 'no pain no gain' mantra, it took him four months to get the desired result, the one we all admired in the movie. Hence, this great six pack abs workout routine, named as the 300 workout routine, gets its name from the number of repetitions done on a single day. Mark argues, that it is not how many times you can repeat this workout, but the improvement in speed that yields results.

The Routine Demystified

As speculated in the media, it was not daily that the actors did the 300 repetitions. It was a gradual increase and only on the final day of training was 300 repetitions done. It is not easy to do the 300 reps, and many who have tried would vouch for it. Considered one the most effective workout for the entire body, it not only helps in muscle building, but is also extremely efficient for losing fat fast and increasing muscle endurance. So you have been inspired enough to try the 300 workout routine, but how often? This is a question most starters would have in mind. No one can exactly tell you how often you need to follow the 300 workout routine to attain six pack abs. It depends on your current fitness level, time and your need, whether you want the Spartan warrior like ripped muscles or just aiming to remain fit. Though the 300 movie cast worked out for five days a week, many gym instructors might advise you to follow this routine for just two days a week.

For Men...

300 workout routine and men's health has almost become synonymous. There are hundreds of websites all talking about the same fitness mantra to guarantee the Spartan look. But one should keep in mind, this is a very challenging and demanding bodybuilding workout, and one should tread with care.

This is a sample of the workout routine for men, which looks easy on paper, but not very easy to practice:





Deadlifts (with 135 lbs.)




Box jumps (24 inches)


Floor wipers


Clean and Press (with 36 lbs. Kettlebell)






Is this Workout Suitable For Women

There is no doubt that many women nowadays train equally hard as men, but their percentage varies. The 300 workout routine is followed by some women enthusiasts but difficult for most to complete as many women might face easy burnout. So these have been modified by experts in three ways for women:

Reducing the intensity of exercises but keeping the same number of reps.

Keeping the same exercise intensity, but decreasing the number of reps.

Reducing both the intensity and number of reps, especially for beginners.

This is what a reduced intensity and decreased reps 300 ab workout routine for women looks like:Workout




Deadlifts (with 70 lbs.)




Box jumps (12 inches)


Floor wipers


Clean and Press (with 20 lbs. Kettlebell)






No doubt, these workouts demand tremendous determination and hard work from your side, but you can't help getting pleased with the end result. With the six pack abs and biceps, comes an improved overall health, be it the cardiovascular system or your mental power, as this workout involves each and every muscle fiber in your body. But, a beginner should be careful and go to a registered fitness trainer to avoid injuries during this strenuous workout.

Is Using the Rowing Machine a Good Cardio Workout?

Rowing Machine: The Most Underrated Machine in the Gym

Are all the treadmills or stationary bikes in the gym being used? Try the rowing machine workout. You never find a waiting list for the rowing machine. They are always free.

A rowing machine workout burns 800 calories an hour. It offers the most total body training of any cardio workout. Working out on the machine requires 25% effort from your upper body and 75% effort from your lower body. It works your arms, back, abs and legs. It's the like ultimate gym multi-tasker, combining every one of your workouts into a single machine. Have you ever wondered why rowing athletes look so fit? How exactly can a rowing machine workout shape your body?

The Benefits of a Rowing Machine Workout

Here are a few benefits you will get from doing a rowing machine workout:

Burning Calories

The rowing machine is a great way to burn calories. You burn 800 calories an hour by this workout. That's absolutely more than 5000 calories a week. This will surely help you control your body fat.

Body fat 10% + abs exercise = wash board abs!!

Strength Training

Unlike other cardio workouts which focus more on the muscles of your front body, rowing machine workout makes you use your back and all of your limbs. You work your arms by pulling the handle with your legs pushing the footrest. At the same time, you keep your back firm and core tight. You use more muscles with this cardio workout.

Cardio Training

A rowing machine workout is a great cardio workout. When you run, your heart only pumps blood to your legs because you use only your legs. On the other hand, when rowing, you use several large muscles; your heart pumps blood to all those muscles and adapts to be fitter.

Apart from all the benefits for your muscles, the rowing machine workout is still cardio training. It can burn so many calories that you had better not do this too much if you're bulking up. If you want to incorporate the rowing machine workout into your workout while bulking, you had better use it on a shoulder/back/leg day after your workout to fully fatigue your muscles.

Get toned

This workout primarily makes use of your legs and back. It also works your arms and shoulders. For your legs, it will be like doing repetitious light leg presses. The same thing happens to other muscles, making you leaner. Yet it is still primarily a cardio workout. You should rely on weight training, not rowing, to build muscles.

Easy on the joints

For those of you who have joint problems, the rowing machine will definitely suit you. It is a zero impact cardio workout. This workout is suitable for people of all ages.

How To Do a Rowing Machine Workout

To achieve the maximum result of a rowing machine workout you need to do it right. There are four kinds of movement in a rowing machine workout:

The catch

The drive

The finish

The recovery

1. The catch:

Place your feet on the footrests and strap them in snugly.

Grab the handles with an overhand grip. Slide forward a little so that you sit with your shins vertical and arms straight (please be relaxed). Lean forward a little, make sure you sit comfortably. You are slightly crouched with your knees bent and your abdominal muscles engaged. This is the catch position.

2. The drive:

Move backward by extending your legs. Keep your arms straight.

Your legs must be one step ahead of your arms. You should move smoothly, not jerkily. Avoid bending your back backward. Turn down the resistance level if you need to.

Don't drop your chin to your chest. Keep your chin up so that you can breathe easily.

Workout Plans for Men

The workout plans for males at the gym and home should incorporate a few basic routines like, cardiovascular and strength training exercises. These exercises together, help work out most of the body muscles. Apart from these exercises, one can also make use of other, additional workouts. While cardiovascular exercises can be performed on a daily basis, it is advisable to take a break of at least one day, between strength training sessions.

3 Day Workout Routine

A 3-day routine doesn't offer benefits of working out maximum number of muscles, which can be obtained in a week-long schedule. However, this kind of routine can be adjusted in a week's period on alternate days; necessary rest can also be given to the body. The 3 day routine can be used as a beginner workout plan. Cardiovascular exercises should be performed on all three days of the exercise schedule. They keep the body fit, by providing it with sufficient oxygen; cardiovascular workouts therefore, influence the overall health. Workouts for abdominal muscles should also be included in this routine on all days. Strengthening these muscles through workouts, benefits the digestive system and other muscles that support the abdominal region. First day of the routine should be allotted for chest and back exercises. The second day can be used for leg and shoulder exercises. The third and final day should be kept for biceps and triceps. A workout session that continues for about 45 minutes (on a daily basis) is enough to work out various muscles of the body.

Workout Plan to Lose Weight

It should have strength training and cardiovascular exercises as main components. In order to lose weight, the cardiovascular exercises need to be included in the daily routine, for a period of 20-60 minutes. A 20 minutes treadmill walk is one of the best workouts to perform at home. Other exercises, which help in weight loss are walking, running, swimming, elliptical machine workouts, etc. One can also think about playing tennis, racquetball, basketball, etc.

Strength training is one of the important aspects of exercise routine for weight loss. This kind of schedule should begin with lifting light weights. Repetitions of light weightlifting helps in burning fat at a faster rate. Fifteen or more repetitions are recommended for men in order to obtain better results. There is one way to judge how much weight is suitable for such a workout. Randomly choose a weight (a lightweight) and try performing 12 repetitions. If you are able to perform these repetitions with ease, it can be concluded that the weight is suitable for you. The weight should be increased only when you are able to perform 15 or more repetitions with ease. Other workouts, which can be used for strength training are the squats, crunches, calf-raises, lunges, push-ups, etc.

Workout Routine for Men Over 40

Individuals who want to start working out, and are of 40 years (or more), should first go for a health checkup to avoid any kind of risk, resulting from stretching the body. People with a family history of heart disease and problems like high cholesterol should be more careful.

Their routine should include exercises like cycling, using jump ropes, ab wheel exercises, etc. The cycling exercise (5-10 minutes) should be used as a cardiovascular exercise. Jump rope exercise should initially be performed only to the 40% capacity. It can be increased gradually. Push-ups are recommended only for those, who feel strong enough to perform them. Ab wheel exercise should also be incorporated in the plan. One should get on the knees to perform this exercise. Core muscles of the body are exercised in this workout.

Losing weight and maintaining a strong body is possible by means of these workouts. Those who are over 40 years of age need to take extra care to see that the body is not overworked or any of the muscles are not stretched beyond limit.

Chinese president Xi Jinping sparks online dance craze

"He is not afraid of anyone or anything!" gushes another lyric. "Dreamers all look to him!"

The dance videos - which some suspect have benefited from a degree of official support - have received hundreds of thousands of hits and appear to reflect genuine public enthusiasm for the Chinese president.

Xi Jinping's carefully constructed "man of the people" image and anti-corruption campaign have played well with the masses, experts say.

The videos also hint at the staggering levels of power and influence that Xi Jinping has managed to amass since assuming control of the world's largest political party just over two years ago.

"What I would say, in fact, is that he is the most powerful [leader] since Mao Zedong," Roderick MacFarquhar, a veteran China watcher from Harvard University, said in a speech at Hong Kong University last month.

"Whenever there is a major committee he is chair. The only major committee he is not chair of is the environmental protection committee - and that is because there isn't one," joked Prof MacFarquhar, a former Labour MP.

The video has received hundreds of thousands of hits

The Xi Jinping dance fever has been spearheaded by part-time dance aficionados such as Jiang Nan, a 26-year-old primary school teacher from Zhejiang province in eastern China.

Mr Jiang said the song about "Xi Dada" ("Big Daddy Xi") had instantly set his foot tapping. "The moment I heard it I just wanted to dance along," said the teacher, whose online video has been viewed more than 36,500 times.

Initially, Mr Jiang was hesitant about jiggling his hips to the president's name, fearing the song "might be related to some political problems".

"But then I thought that since the lyrics didn't contain any negative words about "Xi Dada" and the song was very popular, it would be fine to dance to it."

China's tightly controlled political landscape means others had to overcome similar fears before going public with their Xi Jinping dance routines.

"I hesitated a lot because I thought it must be about politics. I was afraid somebody would stop me creating the dance steps," said Liu Rong, a 52-year-old retiree and dance enthusiast.

"But my fans told me the song was praising "Xi Dada" and that it would be fine to dance along so I started work on the choreography."

Ms Liu's routine has brought her overnight fame. Her video has been viewed nearly 107,000 times and she has started seeing her dance steps replicated across Jiangsu province where she lives. "I have seen people dancing my moves when I have been walking down the street. I felt really happy."

Tang Qing, a 42-year-old supermarket manager behind another of the amateur videos, said she aimed to capture the different personalities of China's first couple in her choreography.

The dance steps for Chairman Xi reflected his "strength" and "power", she said. Those for his wife were "gentle and graceful".

Yang Liping, a fitness club manager from Jiangxi province, said she had locked herself alone in a room in order to master her steps in a single day. "I was in a real hurry because I wanted to be the first to dance along to this song," she said.

The sacrifice was worth it, added Ms Yang, whose video has been viewed nearly 20,000 times. "My fans believe this dance is the best on the internet."

The dance steps for Chairman Xi reflected his "strength" and "power" said the choreographer

The composer of the original track that sparked the Xi Jinping dance craze has shrugged off suggestions that his creation - viewed more than 77 million times since being uploaded last year - was sponsored by propaganda officials in Beijing.

The inspiration came "from the depths of my heart," songwriter Song Zhigang said in an interview. "So far, we haven't been contacted by any government organs regarding the song."

Additional reporting Ailin Tang

Three of China's most popular Xi Jinping dance videos:

Actress Wang Qiongzhu dances her version of "Big Daddy Xi Loves Mama Peng". Viewed 141,000 times

School teacher Jiang Nan pays tribute to China's Lord of the Dance. Viewed 36,532 times

The women of Xinli village in Hebei province do their daily workout to the sound of "Big Daddy Xi Loves Mama Peng". Viewed 80,000 times

Henry Cavill Workout Secrets: Superman's Formula for Fitness Video

Transcript for Becoming 'Superman': Henry Cavill's Formula for Fitness

Moving on our "heat index" this morning, the workout plan that turned henry cavill into the man of steel. It's a training regimen. But not just about exercise. It's also about eating. Abc's abbie boudreau has the steely details. Reporter: Superman and his man of steel strength. On the big screen. And in real life. Superhuman to superhero. British actor, henry cavill, reveals the secret to his bulging biceps in that body suit. Mark is one of the most incredible people I've met. He opened my eyes to seeing past what I saw with my own. Reporter: He trained cavill and russell crowe, who dropped 40 pounds for his part. There must be a secret behind the transformation. So, what is it? The secret is -- it's a well-kept secret, called commitment and self-discipline. Reporter: Cavill's transformation began by packing on 20 pounds. What was he eating? We didn't care. If he decided, I can get an extra 1,000 calories by eating pizza, that was fine. Reporter: Then, the workout, five or six days a week, for 11 months. We're trying to use physical means to basically repair a person or change them in a psycho/physical way, so they can play a role, in this context. You need a guy to look like superman. It will be better if he feels super, in order to transmit that message. Reporter: How did it change him? I would say henry turned into a man on this show. And not only in terms of, you know, physically he made enormous changes. But in the way that he carried himself. And in the way he -- I could see him relating and adapting to other people. Reporter: He took me through some super moves. Push your heels to the floor. Reporter: Clearly, I'm no wonder woman. But then again, even superman had to start somewhere. For "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.


5 Day Toning Workout Routine


As I said above, please talk to your doctor before beginning any supplements and be sure they will not react with any other medicine you may be taking.

Protein: Most importantly, I suggest taking a protein supplement. Protein is commonly taken as a powder mixed with water or milk. I like Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey. It comes in a lot of flavors and is one of the cheaper options on the market. Whey is a dairy product so if you are vegan or lactose intolerant you will need to find an alternative to whey protein, such as soy.

CLA: I also take Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) to help burn fat and reduce body fat percentage. The recommended dosage is 2000 mg a day. Be aware that this is still fairly new and all of the risks are not known. Some people I have talked to said they saw no difference while taking CLA, but I feel more energized and I think it has made a difference in my body composition.

Fish Oil: Fish oil is a great dietary supplement even if you are not active. Benefits of fish oil include: reduced risk of cancer, helps lower blood pressure, supports heart health, eases joint pain, and may even help with mental wellness. The recommended dosage is between 1000 and 3000 mg a day.

Multi-Vitamin: Again, this should be taken regardless of whether you are active. A multi will help balance out any deficiencies you may have (I have an iron deficiency, for example).

While I am constantly striving to improve my body, I am proud of how far I have come. It takes a lot of time and dedication, even more sweat, and yes, some money, but it is so worth it.

Good Luck!

Good luck on your fitness journey and don't hesitate to talk to me/ask questions/inform me if I'm wrong, I love learning!

Rebounding the Pounds Away | Fox News

Michael Mahnke, an artist who lives and works in his Manhattan apartment never imagined that bouncing on a mini trampoline at age 41 would improve his physical and mental health from the inside out.

"Because I live and paint in the same space, I am always breathing in toxic paint fumes, which, over the years, has taken a real toll on my immune system," he said.

To remedy this, Mahnke began incorporating 20 minutes of rebounding into his day, and within a few weeks he could see and feel his muscles tone, his sinuses clear and an increase in creativity.

"For the first time I actually look forward to exercising, because I often get new inspiration and ideas for my paintings," he said. "Plus bouncing is so fun and easy, I can't help but smile like a child while doing it."

Most people do not equate exercising and healing with the words "fun"

and "smile" but, when done properly, rebounding is a pain-free aerobic exercise, beneficial for all ages and physical conditions.

According to Ted Johnson, a health and fitness consultant, bouncing for just 10 to 20 minutes first thing in the morning encourages weight loss, increases circulation, improves cardiovascular health, lowers stress and lightens your mood.

What specifically makes rebounding so distinctive from other forms of exercise, Johnson said, is the deep cleansing effects it has on the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is made up of the lymph vessels and nodes, tonsils, adenoids, appendix, spleen and thymus gland, which provide much of the body's immune defense.

According to Johnson, the lymphatic fluids are responsible for bringing nutrients to the cells and providing the passageway for cells to get rid of their waste.

However, he said, "the lymphatic system does not have a pump like our circulatory system has the heart, so it relies on movement of the body for moving the lymph fluid throughout the body."

Rebounding is the ideal exercise for doing just that and here's why.

According to certified nutritional counselor and author, Natalia Rose, rebounding is the most effective exercise to move toxins from the body because it works in coordination with the laws of gravity, and the up and down motion of jumping "literally squeezes the waste matter from our cells as we bounce effortlessly for just a short time."

This "squeezing" action from the gravitational pull strengthens each cell with every bounce, first drawing the toxins out and then pumping the junk that gets collected in the lymphatic system out of our bodies. While at the same time, said Johnson, "rebounding tones the muscles and strengthens the bones of the body, making it a healthy lifestyle for preventing osteoporosis."

Other lymphatic related illnesses that rebounding can help prevent include: allergies, most skins conditions, infections, chronic sinusitis, inflammation and edema.

"My clients who use the rebounder regularly do not get sick in the cold and flu season nearly as often as they did before," said Johnson

Rebounding is also unique in that it does not inflict pain on the joints, making it a "no impact" exercise. However, an article written by Dr. Morton Walker, author of "Jumping for Health," published in the Townsend Letter of Doctors, warned that low-cost, poorly constructed rebounders yield more harm than good.

"The abrupt jarring effect is the same as landing on the floor," he said, and can do significant damage to your joints.

Morton, Johnson and Rose all advise investing in a high quality rebounder over all generic brands found in most sporting goods shops.

"I have used several different rebounders over the years and bottom line -- you get what you pay for," said Johnson.

Currently, Johnson has a 79-year-old female client, who had extensive back surgery with hardware several months ago, using the rebounder.

"Her routine of just gentle bouncing -- her feet never leave the mat at this point -- is different from my other clients who perform a variety of exercises on the rebounder," he said.

Beginners Rebounder Workout Plan, designed by Johnson. Please consult your physician before starting this exercise program.

-- Health Bounce - 3 to 4 minutes

Both feet planted on the mat, weight evenly distributed, bouncing straight up and down.

-- Light Jogging - 2 minutes

Holding on to the stabilizing bar, light jogging in place, bring the knees up in front of you. Stand tall and keep an even pace.

-- Fluttering - Counts of 25, 3 sets

While doing a health bounce, hold on to the stabilizing bar with one hand and extend the other arm straight out to the side for a count of 25. The count of 25 is based on your bounce. Switch arms to complete the set. Repeat for 3 sets total. When you are comfortable with your balance, extend both arms out at the same time to a count of 25.

-- Light Jogging - 2 minutes

Holding on to the stabilizing bar, light jogging in place, bring the knees up in front of you. Stand tall and keep an even pace.

-- Alternating Shoulder Press - Counts of 20, 3 sets

While jogging in place, bring one hand weight up to shoulder level. This hand will not go below this level throughout the exercise. Press the one hand above your head. The up and down rhythm of your hand should be in sync with your jogging. Count each shoulder press to 20. Switch to the other hand and repeat the shoulder press again to 20.

-- Light Jogging - 2 minutes

Holding on to the stabilizing bar, light jogging in place, bring the knees up in front of you. Stand tall and keep an even pace.

-- Health Bounce - 2 minutes

Cool down. Both feet planted on the mat, weight evenly distributed, bouncing straight up and down.

Diet Tips

Tethered to treadmills? Try the cardio machines in the corner

By Dorene Internicola

NEW YORK Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:03am EST

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Gym goers seeking to boost their workouts might do well to aim for the less-used equipment beyond the busy rows of treadmills and elliptical trainers that dominate the center of the cardio floor, fitness experts say.

What the rower and the moving stairs may lack in traffic, they can make up for in effectiveness and intensity for people willing to think outside the box.

"What's the best piece of cardio equipment? My short answer is the one no one's using," said exercise physiologist Tom Holland, author of "Beat the Gym."

People tend to do what they're good at and what they see others doing, he said.

Holland's favorite under-appreciated machine is the moving stairs.

"It's tougher than the traditional StairMaster, harder to cheat on, and usually hidden away in dark recesses of the gym," he said.

The treadmill is the most used machine, according to the trade association IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association), followed by resistance machines and elliptical trainers.

Stair climbers and recumbent cycles are among the most ignored, it says.

Hayley Zawadzki, personal training manager at the New York Health and Racquet Club (NYHRC) fitness center chain in Manhattan, favors the rowing machine.

"It burns a high amount of calories in a short amount of time, activates large muscle groups and is also good for training cardio endurance for marathoners and triathletes," she said.

Zawadzki believes the rower is not very popular because it takes some guidance to use properly.

"As a warm-up, it's a great way to loosen up the body, break a quick sweat," she said. "Our trainers use it in circuit training as a cardio burst between strength training intervals."

Nasario Meija, vice president at Crunch Fitness, said just as the rower is not only for athletes, the recumbent bike, which puts riders in a laid-back position, is recommended mostly for beginners.

"It does not require as much dynamic movement as a rower or a treadmill," Meija said. "It's a good starting point into a progressive cardio routine, or for people with lower back or knee problems because it's very soft on the joints."

Holland said it's a mistake to always do the same machines in the same order.

"We need mix it up," he said. "Start every workout with an exercise you don't like, or use one piece of equipment you're not used to, and the body will respond."

(Editing by Patricia Reaney and Gunna Dickson)

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Best Chest Workout Routines

Building Chest Size And Strength

Building size and strength in the chest muscles is a big deal to any guy who's into weight training. Thick and powerful looking pecs top off a muscular physique nicely and will lead to a lot of attention. Chest exercises such as the bench press are also among the most enjoyable and popular weight training exercises to do so most weight trainers aren't going to avoid performing them like they may with some of the major leg or back exercises. If you train with a lot of intensity and stick with it, you will build bigger and stronger pectoral muscles in no time. All it will take is following the best chest workout routines to gain this size and strength.

Chest Workout Routines

It takes doing the right exercises to build muscle mass and strength for the best chest workout routines. Bench presses, incline presses, decline presses, dips, dumbbell flyes, cable crossovers, and push-ups are among the best exercises for building size in the pecs. You should stick with lifting free weights for the most part, since using them will force you to work the smaller muscles that help stabilize and balance the weight. Most weight training machines force you to lift in one plane of motion and the stabilizing muscles don't need to work as much. Only use machines towards the end of your chest workouts.

When you first start doing the best chest workout routines you need to learn the proper exercise form on all of the major chest exercises. Trying to lift too much weight before you can handle without cheating will cause you to develop bad habits that will be hard to break later on. If you cheat, you could end up injuring yourself. As long as you use proper lifting form on your chest exercises you'll eventually get the gains you want without having to cheat.

Another thing you need to do when you follow the best chest workout routines is to start them off with the major exercises like bench presses or incline presses. If you're a beginning weight trainer, the majority of your chest workout routines should be made up of the compound exercises with very isolation movements. Isolation chest exercises such as flyes shouldn't be done as much until you actually build some size in the pecs.

The level of intensity you train with is a major factor if you want to build chest size and strength. If you don't try to use more weight or do more reps on your chest exercises nothing's going to change. High intensity weight training will force the muscles to adapt - which will lead to growth.

Many beginning weight trainers want to build their pecs so bad that they end up overtraining when they start following a chest workout routine. This can be the kiss of death when it comes to building size and strength in the pecs. You need to train hard enough to get a growth response, then let the muscles rest - which is the time that they actually grow. If your chest is still sore from it's last workout, take another day off. You'll be able to train with more intensity if your muscles are fully recovered.

Best Chest Workout Routine Exercises

There are certain exercises that should be part of the best chest workout routines if you want to build size and strength in the pecs. These include compound exerises that involve multiple muscles and exercises that isolate the chest.

The most popular compound chest exercise is the flat bench press, though the incline version may actually be better for build muscle shape in the pecs. You can also perform decline bench presses for separation between your lower pecs and abs. Any version of the bench press can be performed with barbells and dumbbells.

Dips can be an excellent chest exercise when you perform them on dip bars. They are a superior alternative to decline bench presses since you'll be moving your body through space when you do them. If you built a decent amount of strength you should try wearing a belt that you can add weight to when you do dips.

The best exercises for isolating the pecs are flyes and their various forms. These include dumbbell flyes, cable flyes, machine flyes, and cable crossovers. On any one of these exercises it's important to get a deep stretch and strong contraction on every rep.

The good ol' push-up is another great exercise for your chest. You can do them to warm up or finish off a chest weight training workout. In fact, you can just do push-ups to get a chest workout if you don't have weights at home or a gym membership.

Splitting Your Routine

After you've been weight training for a while, you'll likely get to the point where you feel the need to do more work for your chest during each workout. This is the perfect time to split up your routine into 3 separate workouts. A popular way to do this is known as a push-pull routine. A push-pull routine calls for the upper body muscles that push weight to be trained together, the upper body muscles that pull weight to be trained together, and the leg muscles to be trained together. This means that you would train the chest followed by the shoulders and triceps during the same workout.

Another thing you can try is to change the amount of reps you do per set during each chest workout. This will keep your muscles guessing, which will lead to more strength and size gains. You can follow a chest workout routine where you do a "light" workout with lower weight and high reps for every set, a medium weight and reps workout, and a heavy weight and low reps workout. You should also regularly switch the exercises you do to avoid going stale.

As you get more advanced you may decide that you want to do even more sets and exercises during your chest workouts. At this point you can split your routine further so you only train one or two muscle groups per workouts. You can even decide to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting competitions.

Best Chest Workout Routine For Experienced Lifters

Light Workout

1-2 sets of bench

1-2 sets of incline

1-2 sets of weighted dips or decline bench press

1-2 sets of flat or incline dumbbell bench press

1-2 sets of flyes or crossovers

Medium Workout

2-3 sets of bench

2-3 sets of incline

2-3 sets of declines or dips

2-3 sets of dumbbells

1-2 sets of flyes or crossovers

Heavy Workout

3-4 sets of bench

3-4 sets of incline

2-3 sets of dips or declines

2-3 sets of dumbbells

2-3 sets of flyes or crossovers

Chest Training For Bodybuilders

If The best chest workout routines for bodybuilders should be set up to gain muscle size and shape in the pecs. For the most part you'll want to use higher rep ranges on your sets and less rest in between so you get a strong pump in your pecs when you train them.

If you decide to give bodybuilding a try, you'll need to build your pectoral muscles proportionately. This means having properly proportioned pecs for the rest of your physique and have proper proportions between the lower and upper pecs. Many lifters end up building pecs that appear droopy due to benching too much on a flat bench as compared to an incline bench. If you want to compete in bodybuilding, it will be necessary to build those upper chest muscles to remedy this. In this case, the top chest workout routines should start with incline bench presses rather than flat benches. In fact, you may want to do away with flat bench chest exercises altogether - at least until your upper pecs catch up to your lower pecs.

Stretching is another important part of building your pecs for bodybuilding. When you costantly stretch your pecs before, during, and after your chest workouts you'll give the muscles more potential for growth and improved shape. You can even stretch your rib cage to make your pecs look larger. An old Arnold Schwarzenegger trick was to superset squats and dumbbell pullovers over a bench to increase the size of his rib cage due to a combination of heavy breathing from the squats and stretching from the pullovers.

If you have long arms, performing many chest exercises may put a lot of the resistance on the triceps. To remedy this you can try doing supersets of flyes followed by bench presses. The pecs will be pre-exhausted after the flyes and will get more from the bench pressing.

Another technique for getting a great pump in your pecs is to do drop sets. A drop set is a set where you lift to failure, then go to a lower weight right away and continue doing reps. Dumbbell or machine chest exercises are easier than barbell ones for perforing drop sets on since you can change the weight quicker.

5 fitness apps that actually get results

Story highlights

The latest apps can aid you in reaching your fitness goals

Some provide workout accountability; others help count calories

You can track your runs and even run from zombies

Looking for a new way to reach your fitness goals? Now's the time to check out some of the hottest fitness apps as 2014 gets underway.

Getting fit no longer requires a pencil-and-paper workout plan or a hardback diet book. The latest apps can aid your fitness goals through interactive features, instant stats and tips, and GPS technology, as well as inspiration of the monetary variety.

Reinvigorate your workout by downloading the following five fitness apps. Some are new to the market, while others are simply tried and true. Not only will these apps boost your health and wellness, they will give you a new burst of motivation. How to stick to a workout plan

1. Hot5

Hot5 is hands down one of my favorite apps for 2014. From abs and core to yoga and flexibility and everything in between, Hot5 contains pages and pages of 5-minute video workouts that are super easy to follow. You can find video workouts of all varieties and difficulty levels that will work you out with only five moves.

While most fitness app videos look like they were filmed in the 1980s, Hot5's are sleek and modern. The interface is also beautifully designed and user friendly. It is to the point and clear cut, saving you time by skipping the personal questionnaires and sign-up lag.

I also love that this app can be used as an add-on to your fitness routine or as your entire workout. If you want to do 5-minute abs after a run, Hot5 is for you. If you want to do a full body workout, mix and match from their plethora of videos. This pick and choose system is great for beginners and fitness gurus alike.

The best part? Hot5 is completely free. No hidden costs, no paid upgrades. Hot5 gives you the best of the best without costing you a penny.

Compatibility: iPhone; Cost: Free

2. GymPact

We all need a little motivation when it comes to working out, and GymPact is the perfect way to get inspired.

How does it work? Make a commitment to work out a certain number of times a week. Choose the amount of money you are willing to risk if you don't reach your goal. If you don't achieve your goal? Your credit card gets charged. Achieve your goal? You get paid! The days of being paid to work out have finally come!

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free 43 vegetarian recipes we love

3. Weight Watchers Mobile

Sure, you've heard of Weight Watchers, but there's a reason this company has been around so long. Their system gets great results --plain and simple.

Weight Watchers Mobile is a great way to track your calorie consumption by using their point system. Not only can you enter and search for different foods in their database, you can scan barcodes for instant information about what you're eating. The app counts down your available calories by day and also by week.

Weight Watchers Mobile even has a section to find foods from your favorite restaurants, and info on portion control and healthy eating. Their clean-looking, easy-to-use interface makes dieting more manageable and straightforward.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free, but you must be a Weight Watchers member to get full access.

4. RunKeeper

RunKeeper has been around for a while, but it's still one of the greatest fitness apps out there.

RunKeeper allows you to track your runs, walks, or bike rides by using the GPS system in your phone. You can view your detailed stats on its easy-to-use layout, and also track your progress over time. RunKeeper even allows you to connect with your friends so others can track your achievements and goals.

My favorite feature on this app is the audio cue option. RunKeeper provides real-time coaching by giving you audible updates on your pace, time, distance, and more.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: Free The best 30-minute boot camp workout

5. Zombies, Run! 2

That's right... the zombie craze has even reached the fitness arena. This action packed app adds an element that is sometimes missing from other workout apps -- fun.

Zombies, Run! and Zombies, Run! 2 mix games and stories into your run as you complete missions in a world laden with zombies. Whether you're gathering supplies, saving a fellow human, or out-running a horde of the undead, this app amps up your normal jog with imagination and competition.

Compatibility: iPhone and Android; Cost: $2.99

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Fashion is in my blood. When I was a kid, my mom would drive me two hours through crazy LA traffic for photo shoots. I used to hang out with the stylists, try on clothes, get advice. It was a great way to grow up. Eventually, I started giving my friends fashion advice, and never looked back.

After 20 years as a stylist for photographers, I was ready to start a business that would let me evolve my own fashion and consulting style. More than anything, I wanted to share my passion for fashion, and watch as my clients discovered the transformative power of a knock-out look.

Today my clients are CEOs, celebrities, corporate and creative people -- men and women who want serious input on their clothing style, advice on what to wear to an event, or how to put together and pack the most versatile travel wardrobe. I also do styling for fashion shoots, including art direction, makeup, hair, clothing and accessorizing. I’ll make you look great. I promise.